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RE: Electricity Governs The Brain And Our Left-Brain Society Is In DEEP Trouble | Part 2

in #freedom7 years ago

The "electric" universe has been disproven. And there is no "greater reality" from where we connect to our brain. Our brain is it. You damage part of it, and you are reduced. You damage it enough and "you" are gone. This is true to a very complete extent. There is no flaw in the logic . Any "greater reality" is speculation without evidence.


nope... the electric universe theory stands undebunkable because electronagetism is the glue that holds the cosmos together, doesnt need a Phd to grasp it. Even the so-called gravity is electricity

And electromagnetism is a byproduct of electricity.

The greater reality is only obtainable when the mind adopts the the law of electricity (circulating between synapses).

The cosmos and the mind are same :) I do not go by scientism, atheistic sciences.

It has been debunked decades ago. There is no electric current traveling through our solar system. Gravity is NOT electricity. Gravity is one of the four fundamental forces described in physics. The sciences are not atheistic. Cosmology, evolution, physics, and all sciences were developed by religious people. Claiming the cosmos and a mind is the same is nonsense.

yeah sure, because there is no electricity circulating between synapses, because electromagnetism does not make an atom and a galaxy spin? How do you explain that they spin... because that is how it just is... life came out of the blue by accident? :)

I do not go by scientism, atheistic sciences. There is an intelligent design, sorry . (I am not a creationist) but evolutionism is definitely an hoax. Creationism hates sciences. I am promoting the merging of science and spirituality... scientism is a diversion: divide and conquer

scientism is left brained by the way :)

no electricity here, right?

There is no electric current moving through our solar system. The electric universe has been soundly debunked decades ago.

Science has been created and pushed forward by religious people. Saying it is atheistic is dumb.

Creationists do hate science because science disproves their fairy tale, it is understandable.

I had to smoke a joint and ponder the pictures of a brain cell and the artist's rendition of the universe....duuuude! They are the same!!!!

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