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RE: Machinery of Freedom - Ask questions like a young child

in #freedom8 years ago

Thanks @kendewitt ! It's kind of funny. Here we are a good 30 years after our first meeting (er, confrontation), and I can still clearly see you demanding that I leave the stupid rope ladder at Lincoln Elementary. laughs

For some reason, I'm almost always out of my head, analyzing what is going on and trying to objectively look at the facts to form an unbiased opinion, as if that were possible.

I do my best work after sleeping once my subconscious has had a chance to process inputs that I was not aware of. Way too often I awake in the middle of the night with answers to questions that I never thought to ask while I was conscious.

Maybe that is why you have always resonated with me. From fighting imagined ninjas in tabi with bokken in our back yards as kids to considering what lies just beyond our perception and how that has bearing on the stark reality we are faced with each day.


Rope ladder? I have no recollection of that whatsoever. Was that at the reason for our argument on first meeting? Whatever disagreement we had as kids must have been discarded from my long term memory as irrelevant to forming my opinion of you. Or, the number of favorable inputs negated the one isolated negative input lol But I believe you, as I remember being pretty obstinate when we were kids.

This post is doing great man, I'm glad I convinced you to get onboard!

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