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RE: (Voting = Violence) = Dangerous Leftist Idea

in #freedom7 years ago

Except there's going to be a ruler anyway. You're agreeing to that by living here.

By not voting you're ensuring that there are only two choices, which frankly is a big part of the problem today.

There are usually libertarian and other third party candidates running, but so many of the people who follow libertarian thought think like you so they don't stand a chance.

Even getting more votes would get them into the Presidential Debates.

But until you exercise your rights you might as well just have a Neegan walk in, take over and rule like a dictator.


Except there's going to be a ruler anyway. You're agreeing to that by living here.

I disagree. I don't take orders from the President, and I live here.

By not voting you're ensuring that there are only two choices, which frankly is a big part of the problem today.

Government is like a tank, voting is gassing up that tank. Voting means you want someone to drive the tank, and all that damn tank does is shoot at fleshy targets.

There are usually libertarian and other third party candidates running, but so many of the people who follow libertarian thought think like you so they don't stand a chance.

Even getting more votes would get them into the Presidential Debates.

The media platform is set up in such a way to marginalize, and or demonize libertarian types. Just look at how they treated Ron Paul in his last run. It's so rigged in my opinion that my participation would only demonstrate a consent to be governed.

But until you exercise your rights you might as well just have a Neegan walk in, take over and rule like a dictator.

I'd rather have Neegan try and rule me against my will, than have my participation in a rigged voting scheme result in his takeover. If the latter happened, I would have to accept the results and wait four years, because I agreed to the process, by my participation in it.

What are you on about taking orders from the Pres? That's ridiculous, no one does unless they join the military.

You're still governed by laws he creates though.

Gas? Again WTF? You went right on to say Neegan could come in without voting... So no, it is not "gas." As long as there are people there is going to be a system to manage interactions between people. You have the ability to participate... Something our Founding Fathers actually fought for and you're throwing it away in favor of whining and half-assed conspiracy theories.

Libertarians talk like this then blame the media. I think I said that in one of my earlier comments. This is your choice. You choose to have a Republican or a Democrat.

What are you on about taking orders from the Pres? That's ridiculous, no one does unless they join the military.

You're still governed by laws he creates though.

He can sign bills into law, and that only really means what you make of it. There's people living outside of the law all of the time in this country. We live in a constant flux where there is both law, and government, and also no law, and no government. Whichever you conform too, or however much you conform to one or the other is entirely your choice. The law isn't some miraculous thing that compels everyone to magically do this, or don't do that. They could make it law tomorrow that all Americans have to turn in their guns. I think if they did that, you'd understand a little bit of what I mean. Murder is against the law, and people commit murder every day. Now people want to make guns against the law because they still don't comprehend the simple little truth, that law doesn't necessarily control people's behavior. Next they'll want cars to be against the law to prevent drunk driving. Statism is pretty silly when you think about it, some people just don't get it. They think making a law solves a problem. Allot of times, it creates more problems than it solves. Truth is, this country couldn't legislate itself out of a paper bag.

Gas? Again WTF? You went right on to say Neegan could come in without voting... So no, it is not "gas." As long as there are people there is going to be a system to manage interactions between people. You have the ability to participate... Something our Founding Fathers actually fought for and you're throwing it away in favor of whining and half-assed conspiracy theories.

Libertarians talk like this then blame the media. I think I said that in one of my earlier comments. This is your choice. You choose to have a Republican or a Democrat.

I've said earlier the act of voting is your preconditional acceptance to be led by the winner of the vote. If you are not agreeing to be led by the winner, then you really have no business participating in the vote. If I see that the chances of getting a good guy into the office, who will do no harm, are astronomical. Then I'd rather err on the side of caution by not feeding the fire with my consent.

You may not be able to realize what I'm saying until you can get to the point where you come to know that virtually everything in life is a contract. Consenting to bad contracts sucks, because you are bound with your word to the shitty results. Most people go through this life consenting to all sorts of contracts, and many times they don't even know they are doing it. They just know that in order to make A happen, they have to sign this, this, this and that. Then later on down the road, they feel like a victim, yet they were only a victim of their own ignorance because it was something that they consented to on paper.

I don't know @telos, we might simply have to agree to disagree on this point.

I can guarantee you that absolutely nothing changes with how you behave based on whether or not you voted.

I can also guarantee you that you're empowering the people you claim to dislike by not voting.

Vote and break the laws, get caught and pay the consequences.

Don't vote, same thing.

Vote for someone who changes the laws towards your beliefs, you make progress towards your beliefs.

Or don't. I think we're done here.

Can't win the lotto if I don't buy a ticket right? Good luck to you though!

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