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RE: The Evolution of Parenting

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

While I am inclined to agree with the spirit of your post, it is slightly too simplistic. Children can be reasoned with only to a certain extent, depending on their age; anything beyond their capacity of comprehension can be asserted with authority only, until they grow old enough to understand. In fact, not even 20-year-olds have fully developed brains, and interactions with 20-year-olds and 30-year-olds are generally different—although this has nothing to do with parenting.

Regarding child-beating, you are correct, but it is worth nothing that there are people who take this to the extreme and call even the smallest physical contact abuse (much the same way some extreme feminists call virtually everything rape).

Good post!


Therefore, the word NO is very powerful when you give a child a reason to help them come to and to practice using their own logic as they get older. "No! Do not touch the hot stove!" (remove them from danger, sit them down) and say " why do you think I told you no?" ...wait for an answer, no matter the age, give them an opportunity to think. If they are not old enough to speak, still wait. Then, give them your reasoning, "hot things cause owies and because I love you and I know this, I wanted you to know to keep you safe." Hug them and move on. Next time they try, grab their hand and say "hot things give you owies, remember?" By the third time, you will grab their hand and they will say "hot things give you owies?" You say, "Yes." (nod and smile).

Thank you for the feedback! And because capacity may be smaller, that means they need even more protection!

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