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RE: The NonSequitur Show: Sargon of Akkad vs Adam Kokesh

in #freedom6 years ago

I haven't been around to much lately but I do want to weigh in on this ongoing war that Kafkanarchy has waged against Adam Kokesh. I've often stated here and there that some people are given a unfair advantage over others by receiving large delegation because of name recognition that I often felt didn't achieve the result that was expected by bringing new people aboard Steemit. Adam being one of them, yes it's laughable to think he'd ever win the presidency therefore all the money he was earning was in vain in that respect. Still I had a lot of fun poking at Adam, many others did the same. One thing I have to say is for as much as I didn't agree with his platform or the prospects that he'd ever be president he respected my right to poke at him or make
comments that were counter to his presentations, he respected that right on many, many occasions. He was always the opposite of how he was portrayed in a video by @LarkenRose, he was never hostile, malice, vindictive or what I'd consider dangerous. I've seen many of his postings and he has never came off faking compassion and real humanity or concern towards others when anyone commented opposite of what they wanted, in all reality Kokesh has and always has been above board when it came to not censoring anyone's comments on these boards, he did a stellar job compared to many, many others who post articles here. That is where this war Kafkanarchy started waging against Kokesh started, he demand Kokesh censor someone's post. Adam as a anarchist and follower of voluntarism knows that in a free society people have a right to say what they want, it would be acting upon any perceived illegality that would be wrong, people say awful things all the time but that does not make them criminal unless you actually are endangering others lives like yelling fire in a crowded place. In a supposed truly free society Kokesh and Kafkanarchy should be able to practice whatever they deem as a voluntary society, last time I looked nobody died and left Kafkanarchy in charge of determining the rules of voluntarism. What we have here is exactly that. A one man waged war based on his determination of what voluntarism is all about. He has been a thorn in Adams side pushing him to censor what other people say and arguing the standards of Kokesh voluntarism doesn't stand up to his. Kokesh wasn't the one monitoring his blog site, I can't say for sure because I don't know but if a upvote went to Posh Princesses comment then came down I would just be assuming the possibility that it came to Adams attention and he to thought it was overboard and down voted it, just like I'd be assuming to that since he couldn't be provided conclusive evidence that Ben Farmer did what was alleged, since a outside force who has a grudge against Kokesh is involved and would have known Farmers phone number that possibly could have been given to someone to stage the appearance it came from his phone, there is plenty of technology out there that will let someone with a deep seated hatred do something like that, that the best Adam was left to say about it was Ben is no longer here. There is really nothing left for him to say but I took care of it without having to take sides because I can't conclusively say that either side was right or wrong. Like I'd like to repeat I am just sitting on the outside looking in, nothing I say at this point is conclusive concerning my speculation of the above mentioned matters. The only real truths that I have to provide is that it's always been Kafkanarchy hating on Kokesh, I've even played along with Kafkanarchy in his remarks concerning Kokesh presidential ambitions and never once has Kokesh ever displayed that he felt threatened or that he wasn't able to deceive me into his thought pattern as depicted in the Larken video. Kokesh has always come off as a free, fun loving I am having the time of my life guy, he always appeared to take everything in stride. On the other side of the spectrum, with Kafkanarchy it was just the opposite when I followed him, as a newbie here on this platform his behavior towards me was appalling and frightening at the time. I started following him because he seemed to be a peace loving man of wisdom but it didn't take long to see how that unfolded not to be true as presented to me when engaged with him in a conversation over a contest he ran:

Okay, so let me get this right, you post you are going to give money to someone who needs it. There were rules to follow like you had to link the story to the post. There was never any mention that you would go out looking for someone if you didn't like the people's stories who followed your instructions. You also didn't mention that someone could also win brownie points if they happen to go about gathering up other members for steemit. Your instructions were quite clear,

Write a short essay in an original post on your blog telling me who needs help. Who needs food. Who needs medicine. Who needs help, right now. Anyone, anywhere in the world. Post a link to your essay in the comment section of this post!

The winning candidate proposed by the essay will be sent 100 SBD for this need.

Please do explain to those who took the time to submit a project how guys who may or may not have the "time" to stop by to see these kids are helping these kids in the way instructed in your rules of providing a need such as food or medicine. They didn't even spent the majority of their blog focusing on these kids and their daily activities. You gave the money to a guy or a group of guys claiming how much better off they were now making money off steemit. This wasn't a improvement contest this was a need contest and they obviously didn't need it as much as people starving or lack medicine.

You should really be ashamed of yourself for not committing to what you said the original goal was, for going outside the rules posted, and more importantly ashamed of the fact that it is apparent these guys used these kids just to get the money for themselves, none of that money will go towards those kids.

I am really disappointed in you, you showed a severe lack of judgement and I am sure lost trust among those who took the time to respond to your request and will not be fooled by you again.

$0.00Reply Edit

[-]kafkanarchy84 (74) · 10 months ago
Wow. If you are finished attempting to berate me online now, for trying to do a charitable giveaway, please alllow me brief space for an answer.

The winner had already posted a mini-blog/proposition on my original post, asking if that was the proper way to participate. I told him to please write a post. Upon searching for his blog post I assumed that the blog post I found was his official entry. My heart had gone out to him and those children from his first comment and picture. If you wish to fault me this, that is your prerogative.

In reviewing your post, you supplied a wealth of information about Bangladesh, but not a single hint of how the 100 SBD would get from you to these people.

Finally, it is my money to disperse of (or not) as I please. No, I am not “ashamed.” This actually makes me want to laugh. If you feel I am in some way unfair, you are free to not participate in any further contests on this blog. In fact, to be honest, I’d probably never consider you as a legitimate candidate, after this vitriolic episode here.

Thanks for commenting.



[-]sunlit7 (47) · 10 months ago
There were rules implemented, your response to him told him again what he needed to do. He failed to achieve that. Furthermore once it was determined that he took money and bought t- shirts to advertise Steemit should have been enough for you to realize he was using his money in the wrong way to help these children, he could have shown you books or writing materials to help these children though that would still not fall within the guidelines of food or medicine but would have been a little more credible.

At the end of the post I submitted there was a link to a whole host of organizations that help them. Like you said the money was to go to the people not the author of the piece. The article submitted by them had no link either where to send the money but obviously since it was going to them they didn't need one now did they?

Yes it is your money to disperse as you please but what you did was not keep your stated mission that the money would go towards needs of food and medicine and what this ended up being was pleasing a guy or a bunch of guys who in the end will remember you gave them money which will entice them to keep following you along with encouragement to new recruits to do the same. You made it perfectly clear this wasn't about ourselves or enriching ourselves then you turn right around and see an opportunity to enrich yourself over the starving people on this planet. Furthermore I don't know what would make you think I'd ever trust you again to do so much work just to have you twist the rules of the game in your favor ever again. Nobody likes to be chastised but you were surely deserving of it, a blind man could see what you done there.

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[-]kafkanarchy84 (74) · 10 months ago
If you’d read his blog you’d know his mission is more then buying T-shirts. What a silly thing to say.

You’re right. I had rules implemented. In the end, I did what I felt was right.

I’ve had no problems with contests up to this point, but felt his post was most deserving of the reward. If people wish to no longer participate in my contests( where the rules are pretty simple and things have alsways run smoothly) that’s fine.

Your attitude toward someone you don’t even know is horrible. Don’t comment on my blog again unless you wish to be flagged, and spare me the “chastising.”

Right. I did this because I need them to follow me. That’s funny.

With all due respect, fuck off.

As you can see he clearly had no problem telling me to fuck off and threatened to flag me. If I was a betting person and I had to chose who would be more likely to be hostile, malicious, vindictiveness and dangerous between the two of them Kafkanarchy would be the one fitting that bill.


One small difference being that there is evidence. Does victim blaming feel good to you? Are you going to tell this to the mother of the 9-year old too? To Tatiana Moroz and others, too? They’re crazy as well, right?

Don't waste your time on this women. She is one of the most toxic individuals on STEEM. She is a threat to the entire platform and I'd say she is far worse than Kokesh. You'll see why when you see read this. This person has been attacking the platform and multiple valuable communities. She is a lying scheming hateful narcissist.

Thanks for the heads up. Linda is a wonderful person and if this sunlit loser is attacking her, too, then yes, you are right. Not even worth engaging.

It usually doesn't pay to get into the middle of spate's between ex's, they are tempted to use some of the most disgusting means to get even with each other. Most is she said/he said. One other thing I noticed in watching that Larken video was his saying he called out Adam on the six thousand dollar donation to the Libertarian party in TX, did he take any other action at the time? I know I did. I sent them a email and evidently they could have cared less what he was doing because they never got back to me...but being Libertarian they probably didn't care he was making money off them....either that or they didn't want to admit they were in any way associated with him. The woman claiming campaign funds were misspent...has she filed a complaint? Probably not, maybe her hand was in the cookie jar too, or maybe she as campaign treasurer never filed the required paperwork with the federal election commission. You don't get to complain about someone else's wrong doing when you are doing wrong yourself. The only evidence I've seen from you is the evidence anyone could do on the internet with the right program, what you presented wouldn't stand up in a court of law, you would have to get the phone records and/or court order for them to provide the actual messages, but we know you don't believe in due process, due process in this case wouldn't warrant a life time full of punishment either. Adam Kokesh in and of himself has never put as much energy into you as you have him, that's been evident from the get go. Given your deposition to tell people to F off when you don't get your way coupled with the energy you've put into hating him is very telling. Even after he's come out and said the guy is no longer involved in his campaign you still insist upon taking steps to totally eliminate him. He isn't required to take sides his only requirement was to take care of it and if you ask me he gave you the benefit of his doubt.

Spats between exes? That’s not what I am referencing, which further demonstrates the want in knowledge on your part regarding this campaign.

Yes, I should tell you to fuck off again, but it’s not worth it.

So you drag me into a question then flag me for responding? Your are absolutely incredible and disingenuous at best. Of course telling me to F off isn't worth it anymore because I can't be intimidated like the newbie I once was before, now I understand the premise of the platform and the likelihood of making hundred bucks let alone a million I could give a rats ass. I get more upset that my free speech rights are revoked and censored something one should least expect from a follower of voluntarism. To change up Patrick Henry's infamous phrase: Give me liberty or keep you frickin' pennies. (...and I did give it a momentary thought before dismissing the notion that that softer, kinder, philosophical person I first came across was still hidden back there somewhere before responding)

Why are people surprised that kind people can become defensive/vitriolic when attacked?

You’re still a newb, and from the sound of your shitty, low-blow, desperate vindictive BS here, probably always will be.

There’s been a direct admission of guilt now, from the campaign, concerning the screenshots trying to geolocate me.

Yes I listened to the video, it wasn't from the campaign it was something Ben Farmer initiated in a conversation from seemingly someone who was a friend and not a terrorist or hacker for hire, you don't ask people you are planning on hiring for You have to admit that was pretty funny though I know you didn't think the whole thing was funny and to be perfectly honest I can see why, on the other hand now that the video spells it out a bit more you were no less a terrorist to them, you terrorized the shit out of them with your constant bombardment of every social media account they had. I think if you had done the same thing to me I would have wished I could put my hands right through this computer screen and choked your little neck. Six hours?....really?...and that was just one example. The good thing is it never went anywhere besides what seems to be someone just venting their frustration, I know I've been there before in situations in my life. I understood where he was coming from explaining why he threw that smiley face out there, just last week I could hear my son's girlfriend next door screaming like crazy at the kids, I don't really know what got her so frustrated with them but it became concerning to me, so concerning I was worried what would happen if she couldn't maintain her composure and hit one of I went over there and knocked on the door, I figured if I could engage her long enough in conversation it would distract her from how angry she had become and it did, so that part made reasonable sense to me, he threw it in there to get her off a subject that he didn't even want to go there with. Now that lighter heads have prevailed maybe we can just go back to poking fun at Adams sad but hilarious attempt to become president...I am gain.

Yes, it’s from the official tour coordinator. Has a campaign email and all. You really have no idea regarding the details of this story, hey? Infosec is here on Steemit. Ask them. Venting frustration? Hopeless.

Who's hopeless here?....obviously you, I am not the least bit frustrated over Kokesh running for president on the Libertarian ticket, I actually define it as comedy gold, you should learn not to take things so seriously, it's quite the laugh in itself that you are trying to convey that a bunch of fry brains have the means and resources to actually do you any harm, hell they can't even get a foot up in a presidential race...if they could then I'd really be concerned for you and your families well being. You know, like that time I spent being concerned about radon gas in the house you were purposing to rent, so it's not beyond me to be concerned about you and your family.

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