Reviewing And Analyzing 20 Factors In The Paradigm Shift Towards Freedom And Free Energy - Factor 13

in #freedom5 years ago (edited)

This is part thirteen of a twenty part series.

Mark Passio recently did WOEIH podcast number 219 titled “Tesla And Humanity’s Missing Paradigm Shift Revisited”. 

During the presentation, two graphics that he used were two lists.  Each list contains ten details of what the paradigm shift is, for a total of twenty.  

This is the thirteenth installment as I go through that information, one by one.

13.  Recognition of Free Will and personal responsibility.

What is Free Will?

Free Will is the random component in the continuous co-creation of sentient beings’ experience in the universe.  

Natural Law is the fixed component.  

Together, between the fixed laws of nature, and how we use our Free Will either in harmony with or in opposition to those laws, determines our experience here in the physical realm.  

We can use Free Will to be in harmony with Creation, and gain the result of growth (evolution), or be in opposition to Creation, which creates the result of regression (involution).  

Unfortunately, there are many people who deny that Free Will exists.  There are two general mindsets that those people fall into.  However, this is NOT a blanket statement.  

1.  Overly left-brained believers in some form of scientism.  The belief that matter is the one and only supreme form in the universe.  Everything can be boiled down to particles and stimulus-response mechanisms.

2.  Overly right-brained people of a religious mindset, generally believing in predetermination. Everything is predestined by God, and we’re just living out a destiny that’s already been chosen for us.

I will say here that I don’t know, in the aggregate of all of humanity, here in 2019, what percentage of people know that Free Will exists.  I do think that there is a large percentage who do know, so this is a bright spot in the paradigm shift. 

Personal Responsibility

Accepting personal responsibility can be difficult, but it is absolutely necessary for a free society to exist.  Each individual must take responsibility for the results of their actions, regardless of intent.  Not only that, but people around that individual must hold them accountable as well.  Put social pressure on them to take individual responsibility.

I’ll use a simple example. 

3 individuals at an airport.  

1.  Someone dressed in a costume violating people at the airport (TSA agent) and says “I’m just doing my job.  Gotta pay the bills.) 

2.  Someone sees these violations occurring at the airport and speaks out against those harmful actions, saying something like, “What you’re doing is wrong and harmful.”

3.  Someone sees these violations by “The TSA”, hears the truth being spoken by individual two, and still manages to say, “he’s just doing his job.” 

The first individual is taking harmful actions and is not taking personal responsibility.  The second individual is in the right, speaking truth in the face of wrongdoing.  The third individual is passively accepting a wrongdoing to occur and is not taking action to try and influence the wrongdoer to take responsibility.  

In other words, the first person is causing slavery to occur, and person three is allowing slavery to occur.  

Both are attempting to abdicate their personal responsibility.  

I have personally spoken truth and also worn it on my shirt in the face of TSA thugs at the airport.  I’ve also become much better at taking responsibility for my own actions and consequences.  Although, I freely admit, I wasn’t always (who was?) and still have room for improvement.   

What about humanity in the aggregate? 

Unfortunately, people working in this system of slavery, especially order-followers, do not take responsibility for their actions.  They attempt to abdicate their responsibility by saying things like "I'm just following orders." Also, too many people passively agree with this lie.  They allow this to happen by saying things like "they're just doing their job."

This must change if humanity is ever to be Truly Free.

Part 14 Coming Soon!

Thanks for your time and attention!

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from Mark Passio's 

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