Open Source List Of Freedom Solutions To Help Get Rid Of Coercive Institutions (Fourth and final part of a series)

in #freedom8 years ago (edited)

 In order to make the state obsolete, it must be disobeyed and ignored.  This requires caring about freedom and the will and courage to carry out actions which might lead to physical discomfort in order to gain true freedom.    

In the first 3 parts of this series, we looked at innovative technological and economic solutions to help make the state obsolete.  We’ll now look at some solutions which require higher risk and a great deal of courage.

That said, here is a short list of actions that anyone can take in order to reduce the power of the state while simultaneously empowering themselves. 

 Important disclaimer: This article does not contain personal advice or personal recommendations.  It contains a list of actions which are necessary in order to obtain a condition called FREEDOM.

 1.  Educate yourself first, then educate others.  In order to gain freedom, an individual must first learn the difference between right and wrong.  People must know what their rights are, and what their rights are not.  At least a basic understanding of Natural Law, the non-aggression principle, and the self-defense principle must be understood.  After this has been achieved, it is each individual’s responsibility to teach others this vital information.  I highly recommend Mark Passio’s Natural Law seminar.  You can find his great work @

2.  Don’t support order followers.  This is probably the most difficult of all solutions on this list due to its emotional nature.  If you have friends or family who are order followers, such as police, military, or bureaucrats, withdraw your support from them.  This means that you give them an ultimatum.  Tell them you love them and it is necessary that they find a new way to support themselves economically.  Tell them you will not tolerate their immoral behavior that is contributing to the destruction of Natural Law and human freedom.  If they refuse, then get them out of your life. Truth is more important than personal relationships.

3.  Refuse to be searched at any time or place by any order follower.  It is imperative that individuals demand their privacy.  In your car, in the street, or at the airport, resistance must be given to these petty tyrants.

4.  If you have a business, pay your employees “under the table” in order to avoid the government stealing “taxes” from your employees’ checks.

5.  Don’t file income tax.

6.  Shop as much as possible in alternative markets, such as farmer’s markets, craigslist, or any other tax-free market of your choice.

7.  If you see someone being harassed by police, don’t just keep walking.  Engage the situation and help the person who is being violated.  Stand up to the police with clear, logical, polite, effective communication.

8.  Avoid licensing as much as possible.  If you want to start a business, don’t get a business license. If you want to go fishing, don’t get a fishing license.  You get the picture.

Comments and more ideas are appreciated. 


If you break the law in such a way that you are noticed by the state then be prepared to pay the consequences.

I appreciate your feedback. Gaining freedom is and will be difficult. The truth is that enough individuals must do what is moral and right according to Natural Law (the Will of Creation) regardless of any immoral law put forth by man. That is the only true path to freedom.

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Thanks for the upvote and the comment. It's a very interesting concept and I'll look into it. Cheers!

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