Man Gets Robbed, Kidnapped, Thrown In Cage. Neighbors Defend Actions Of Robbers

in #freedom6 years ago

Gang of guys with badges approach house, knock door down, draw weapons on sovereign individual that owns the house.    

Gang Member:  IRS! Don’t move!   
Homeowner:  Ahhhhh! Home invaders! Help! I’m being attacked!

Gang Member:  That’s not funny.   
Homeowner:  It wasn’t meant to be.  What’s the meaning of all this?

Gang Member:  You owe back taxes, so we’re confiscating your assets, including your house.
Homeowner:  You mean you’re violently extorting me and stealing my stuff.    

Gang Member:  It’s not stealing when the government does it.
Homeowner:  Can you hear yourself?

Gang Member:  Stop resisting! (to other gang member) Cuff him!   

Order-following gang member grabs homeowner and puts in chains.    

Homeowner:  Now you’re going to assault me.  What’s next, throwing me in a cage?
Gang Member:  You’re going to prison for tax evasion!

Homeowner:  Like I said, you’re throwing me in a cage.  And why? Because I'm resisting extortion.

A few neighbors pass by slowly and gawk in.   

Homeowner:  Hey neighbor! Help! This gang is stealing from me, assaulting me, and is trying to kidnap me! Help, neighbor!

One neighbor looks away in shame and runs off.     

Neighbor 2:  Hey, we all gotta pay our fair share, pal.    

Homeowner:  Is organized violence really the best way that humans can interact? Do you really think that little of yourself and the human race?

Neighbor 2:  Gotta go along, to get along!
Homeowner:  Nice preprogrammed response.  Thanks for nothing!

Neighbor 2 scoffs and scurries off.  Gang members seethe while ransacking house, kidnap homeowner, and speed away.  Neighbors shrug and unknowingly have fear of illusory authority reinforced in their minds.  Global slavery continues.  

Thanks for your time and attention! 

Just say "NO" to slavery!

Top image is from wikimedia commons



I love your humor. It hits the nail in the same way Carlin used to.

LOL, thanks man! That means a lot coming from you, because I have great respect for the work you do as well. Not sure I'd put myself at the same level as Carlin, but I appreciate the compliment nonetheless.

Keep up the great work!


Wow- that happens here in Venezuela but with other arguments.
To my family the government has us stalked, just because we are opposed to this type of government. but what you describe in this chapter is what happens in my country.

By the way we have been two days in our area of residence, that the government cut off our electricity supply, and out of pure evil, that has not allowed me to publish as I always do.

Best regards from my daughters.

And to think in 1775, people were willing to shoot government goons over taxation and gun control.

Yep, pretty amazing.

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