The Freedom of Unorganized Land in Canada. The Future Retreat for Digital Nomads.

in #freedom7 years ago

A place where you create your own rules and live by your own schedule. No police or taxes! What it means to live in unorganized land in Canada.

Some of you who have been following me a while may have picked up I am planning to build an off grid retreat that’s fully powered with high speed satellite internet to stay online. The freedom of being detached from the rat race and all its baggage may only be found in a place like this.

If you like the type of place where no one will bother you not just because it so far away that pop ins just don’t happen but because the 200 acres of land you own is in an Unorganized Area which means you don’t need permits or permission to do anything with your land aside from some federal environment and wildlife laws which shouldn’t be a problem.

One of the best benefits is the “not needing to ask for permission” to build anything. There is nowhere to apply for a permit. The closest thing, aside from the nearest township a few hundred kilometers away, might be a small council of other likeminded people who may organize snow removal or emergency protocols and maybe some hunting and fishing agreements.

When living in unorganized land there is nobody to collect taxes either. Now that is freedom. It’s not like you can dodge every tax such as sales and money transfers but the ultimate benefit of not paying land tax is the government can’t take it away from you for not paying them. I don’t think there are too many places left in the world like that such untouched wilderness the government isn’t taxing those living on it.

Why is that?
Most of these places are rather uninhabitable and the Canadian government needs people to spread out and live all over the country. There needs to be some sort of incentive considering living this is a place where you won’t be making much money anyways… traditionally.

You might even be able to build a place you can live in during Canada's coldest months. If you love snow enough.

Today, with technology we can still live there and still stay online.

This is the best time to get off grid and get the hell away from it all and just go visit cities and travel when you want to get out of the wilderness. High speed direct satellite internet keeping you connected to your precious crypto and Steemit.

Beside, you don’t have to live there all year just visiting and building it up slowly. A cabin the first year. After a couple years more cabins for guests and a boathouse. Clear some space for farming crops and chickens and goats.

These places are far from cities and well out of the fall out zone should you need a place to go when SHTF! Many routes there you will need to get in by horse or 4x4 ATV, fly in or if you’re lucky you might have some old abandoned logging roads still usable or fixable.

It would probably take a few years to get fully sustainable but it is doable and it will become a great digital nomad retreat. The freshest air and the cleanest water, camping, boats, canoes and bushcraft.
Online gaming and crypto trading and Steemit of course whatever you need online. The only save in taxes could afford some pretty good internet.

It’s not easy to things like this yourself. It best to get a lot of land and have some likeminded people build up on some of those hundreds of acres far enough away yet still part of a community of sorts.

Interested? Keep in touch.

Sources all Images if not otherwise cited free google snags


Sounds and looks great, but I don't like the cold. I'm from Wisconsin. And I don't like the weather here. Only about 2 1/2 months of good summer weather. But that's just me.

I can imagine its cold there. I'm not sure if I'd stay all winter, summer for sure.

Ar least you'd be used to the mosquito's.

Ya, mosquito's are the unoffical state bird in Wis. :)

Hi Solarguy ! Interesting ! I am travelling and the thought occured to me that Steem and Steemit reputation might enable some interesting community arrangements.

I was thinking about a model that Tynan is executing with friends :

he writes about it here :
and here : where he explains how they applied the concept to worldwide real estate :)

There are some obstacles that Steemit reputation might solve:

Tynan is lucky enough to have a bunch of friends , who he carefully selected for the project on the basis of character and cooperation .

Could you substitute friendship through a Steemit like reputation score?
Could you figure out a local economy based on STEEM to do serious building, renovation etc.

I like your concept but the location not so much .
What about buying a whole village in Europe?

There are very attractive European regions which are becoming de-populated and local government are desperate to keep economic activity going.
Ideally your concept would form part of a global network where you could go and live a while. Members should contribute to upkeep either by labour on a modest rent...
All agreements put on a kind of block chain solution and you'd need to maintain a certain reputation to access it. You can recover reputation if needed by contributing skills to the community or it's members (eg teach something, build something, cook, bring/ cultivate food...)

Dude. I rarely give full power vote to comments but this is very useful info for me. You gained a follower, earned a future resteem to my 1040+ crew and I will probably pick your guys brains out in the near future.

Really appreciate you showing up and saying something!!

Done! They get longer and longer but it is an interesting topic. If your resteem offer still stands I d appreciate this one. Especially your comments would be great since you seemed to apply these concepts already hehe!

Would love to develop further ! I think the potential of STEEM goes way beyond paid blogging ...
Tynan is a very interesting dude , he is always on the edge experimenting with digital nomad stuff , I would love to have him on Steemit! I'd upvote anything he writes with confidence. He even developed a cool blogging platform called Sett which would be awesome if it could be grafted on the STEEM blockchain !

For the resteem I happen to be working up a post right now about leverage and lessons from the 4 hour workweek, will gladly accept for that one hehe will reply here when finished

This sounds like heaven!

I'm not too crazy about the snow anymore but I could live with it if I didn't have to worry about government and taxes.

who you kidding?!

You want something this life can't offer even under the best circumstances.

One can dream! Don't kill the dream. LOLOL

I only kill dreams of those I care about.

This is why I quickly fell in love with steemit! Not only I did not know about this in Canada, although I knew it was a big and rural country. But the fact you combine the idea of this simple, disconnected live style with the modern technology. I have always personally wanted to look into these kind of things.

Have you ever heard of permaculture? It's many things but basically a self sustaining live style I'm gonna try out myself in one of the upcoming months in combination of my bike trip, and I think many possibilities with this kind of system can be build upon and in a very similar way be applied to what you also wrote about.

Now, this is something I'm gonna try in the back side country of Greece but I believe this kind of lifestyle can be applied to anywhere in the world(and already is).

In the end we all want our own little utopia, right?

Yea.. I know about permaculture. I do aim for a self sustaining community in many ways. I think it can be applied anywhere but some places would be easier, Canada I don't think would be high up on that list with it's cold winters. You really need to work hard in the summer and be bored in the winter. lol

Greece would be excellent with it's weather. I'd have a Spirulina pond if I was there.

Yes, we all want our on little paradise to call our own.

Gonna follow you, looking forward to hearing about your adventure.

Canada is too cold for me. I prefer somewhere warmer.
Better if in asia.

Canada has some pretty brutal winters. I will visit Singapore gotta try some of that amazing food you've been bragging about. ^^

come, we go #beautifulsunday together for coffee.☺

Dam your posts are always cool, i like the gif imgs too. "How To Stay Connected To The Internet In Your Off Grid Home" This article was intresting one, learned some new stuff again. Upvoted & Promoted.

I'm glad it helped. I got more in the way.

This is simultaneously a dream of mine and seemingly impossible. On the one hand, the ideal of living out in nature and off the grid is hugely appealling sometimes - but on the other hand, I'm just not sure how connectivity would work. And not just on the internet, but with people and culture and places. It would be a difficult road to hoe, at least without a ton of money.

Now, with a ton of money, most of those problems disappear...

I agree making life easier out there requires lots of money. Thats why staying connected online is important. There are many avenues to make money online. Or using some of land to build rental cottages with internet and rent them out to digital nomads who want a vacation in the woods but need the net.

It is something must consider.

Definitely worth sitting down and planning- if it's doable, why in the world not, right? It would be an awesome way to live.

I've started to be a little more concrete in appreciating the posts I like - randowhale incoming!

Thanks man.
It is doable, not easy but can be done.

had no idea that there's no tax , i guess its time to build a cottage :)

My retirement plan? :)

It would be a relaxing place to retire i think. Go fishing every morning.

This looks really interesting but likewise there is cons and pros. No safety as there is no law. Chances of crimes are so huge.

Crime!!! There's nobody out there. Not that there aren't dangers. Just the dangers a re quite different than in a city. But crime is the least of ones concerns while out there.

Most dangers are accidents from not being careful. It is important to know or have people there that know First Aid. I've lived off gird in the middle of no where before it's not so bad. The mosquito's are the biggest problem. ^^

There is nobody out there now but maybe in future bad people come and start to rule those lands. Just an imagination. Yeh it's better to be aware and careful as well safe than sorry. But brave people like you and people with true survival instinct can live on there for sure.

This is what happened in Alaska. Criminals hide out in remote areas. Im guessing no guns? Even for wildlife? Or guns ok here?

We got guns in Canada. There maybe criminals in the wilderness but there are more in the cities.

Yes there is!
I may be from Florida, but i know i could do canadian winter in a cabin. Dont care if theres internet. Its all about the prepping! Great article, as i wasnt aware of this at all!

Well the apocalypse hasn't happened yet and when it does a city is the last place I'd want to be. I have taken the rule of law breaking down into consideration forcing me to protect my land. I got a post I'm working on about choosing the right land for the right reasons.

Though I truly doubt it would happen in my lifetime.

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