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RE: VIVA LA CRYPTO FREEDOME: Who Will Stand Up For Crypto When The System Tries To Take It Away?

in #freedom7 years ago

Tell you this, we may get a few scared off of it by their hype machine to down play it but most will not. This will be a game of those of us who are in it for the real movement and those willing to go back to slavery out of fear. Me, I rather fight for you guys and if they snatch me up, just hope after you beat the tar out of the system you come get me out of the hole they put me in lol...hopefully it won't come to that but a man will have to do what a man has to for his beliefs


Totally. This is the beginning of the collapse of the old empire I believe. We might get dirty but we'll come out the other end no worries.

Its a good thing, they need this moment and so do we. I don't think we will ever abandon governments fully, there is reasons for them but not the way they are running it. A sensible system for the people again can work but they have to wake up to the fact their way is not that way

Yes. indeed. Government should be funded and should spend that funding where it is needed. Tarmac on roads. Health care for all that need it. Clean water etc
It should not however be in our bedrooms or our medicine cabinets. It has no business telling us what we can consume or which church to pray to sky pixies in.
It certainly has no right to use our money to fund illegal wars for the benefit of it's secret sponsors.

Totally agree, the so could blockchain each and every aspect of their system. Funding for healthcare in a coin that people invest in massively, budgets for systems they need in government and so on. If they got the people to trust them again and invest in our own governments they actually could make way more then they print in worthless paper. They are just too blind to it, they only see what works for them and forget there is a huge crowd below them suffering.

We have tolerated career politicians for far too long. They have to go.

agreed, its time for smart people in office with heart, true revolutionary idealists who want better for all. We have yet to have that in a very long time. Once we get the money scammers out, and real men and women in, then it will work

If I got to be global overlord for a day or so, I think I would institute a jury type service for politics.
Some sort of level required for the post but a reasonable salary for a fixed period for a jury of peers to represent the countries.
Definitely no lawyers. but they would all have already been hanged from the streetlights lol

not a bad idea actually, instead of one in power it be a grouping of aspects to speak for all types they represent

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