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RE: VIVA LA CRYPTO FREEDOME: Who Will Stand Up For Crypto When The System Tries To Take It Away?

in #freedom7 years ago

They do seem very cowardly, keep saying to our President here in the US to protect them, here is a few more rights and please save me every day. You can't keep taking my rights, I don't need you. I have yet to see a terrorist on my street beheading people nor do I suspect my neighbors themselves would put up with that crap so a terrorist wouldn't last 5 minutes here. No you can take your fear propaganda Mr. Trump and crew and steal others rights, not taking any more of mine in the name of national security.


Only downside there is the terrorist would be killed. Again. Always killed regardless of the circumstances. yet always known to the security services beforehand. Weird that.
Perhaps if we could capture on alive, away from the not so security services we could find out who was pulling the strings.

Yea, I mean its clear they send these people weapons, money trail always gets seen eventually so who is hiring who to do what at this stage?

What we do know, it is sod all to do with protecting our freedoms and everything to do with protecting certain individuals and their money pits. Be that oil or arms sales. But never our freedoms. In fact it is costing us our freedoms to keep a select few very wealthy yer the turkeys keep voting for xmas.

agreed, just don't get why people hand over that power so much to them

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