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RE: The Opposite of Freedom Is Not Slavery But Security

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

Benjamin Franklin once wrote: "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." I believe this is the same thing you are trying to say. If the government imposes too much security and restrictions on people, they are little more than prisoners that think they are free. Government has grown too large and too restrictive and our freedom has suffered as a result. However sadly, many people are stupid and actually cheer as the government puts them in chains telling them it will make them safer. Read George Orwell's 1984 where "Big Brother" tells them that "Freedom is Slavery". You could turn that around to today where government tells people that "Slavery is Freedom". You know, because all these laws are for your own good, you stupid little pet.

Oh and on slavery. Yes, of course slavery exists. Sometimes in not so obvious forms. By defintion, slavery is being forced to work for the benefit of another without benefit to yourself." While technically no one is "forcing" anyone to work, the alternative is really a non-starter for most people that have any amibition in life. However, anyone that works is forced to pay taxes - actually the taxes are just confiscated from your paycheck before you ever even see it. Most taxes end up paying for social services for those who refuse to work. If that's not slavery (of the working people), then I don't know what is. Welfare programs are supposed to be used by the elderly, sick, or disabled (truly disabled, not the scam fake people pretending they are "disabled" because they have some ache or pain when all of us have it and work anyway!).


I agree with what you are saying but as I said in the post, I am more concerned with the mental freedom. Everything else follows.

Have you read George Orwell's novell, 1984? If you haven't, I'd highly recommend it. I think you would really enjoy it as the entire book revolves around people who have been enslaved mentally. In fact, a famous quote from the book is: "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows." I think this is in reference to people's freedom of speech being stifled by fear, which is a powerful motivator. Political correctness is a term we have today for "agreeable" type speech that often intentionally avoids being truthful or direct out of fear of offending someone.

yes i have read all of his books and essays.

Just to inform.. The state of Israel imposes a National Insurance Tax on all working citizens .. But they impose this tax on those who have no source of income whatsoever as well!!! On a question "where from should they get the funds to pay this tax???" The authorities reply " go to work" or in other cases " ask the lawmakers "!!!

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