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RE: Propaganda Professor at NYU discusses FAKE NEWS -- an Interview with Del Bigtree, Producer of VaxXed

in #freedom8 years ago

Excellent video! Dr Miller is a rarity in academia today, an objective academician. One advantage today's propagandists have is the proliferation of mass media. If all this had been available to Hitler, we would all be speaking German today. When DeNiro pulled Vaxxed I started investigating and found the revolving door in vaccine approval protocol. Every one of the "experts" from the FDA that test and approve vaccines have ties to big Pharma. Every one! The symbiotic relationship between government and the corporate news is downright criminal. The "watchdogs" of government are just as corrupt as the politicians themselves. The fox is watching the henhouse...literally! The government (FDA in this particular case) sets themselves up as the "good guys" that protect public interest and the MSM legitimizes them. It's a system I call Therapeutic Fascism. Sorry, I didn't mean to get up on my soapbox, but I get really upset by institutionalized corruption. Thank you, very very good article!


Thank-you. Yes, the CDC is a complete disgrace. They should be dismantled and their responsibilities given away.
I've written about the CDC corruption a few times. They recently had a dozen more whistleblowers come out to talk about corruption. And then there is the whistleblower that the VaxXed movie is based on, who is STILL waiting to be subpoenaed by Congress so that he can give his testimony of CDC corruption.
It's is all so disgusting and can be overwhelming when you begin to see how deep it goes.
CDC Article #1
CDC Article #2
CDC Article #3
CDC Article #4

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