There ain't nothing like a SNOW DAY!

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

View this post on Hive: There ain't nothing like a SNOW DAY!

I've moved to Hive, along with most other people, following Justin Sun's takeover of Steem in the Spring of 2020. I believe hive is a lot more decentralised than Steem!


It’s madness that a little snow can bring the entire country to a standstill! I am on a heavily delayed train writing this and can’t get into work tomorrow due to the risk of getting g stranded. I love snow days as much as the next person but it’s annoying when it costs me a days pay!

Hi Karl! I am so pleased to find you here on Steemit as I have been a reader of your excellent blog for some time now, and I have even used your insights in my own teaching (I teach 5 subjects in my high school, one of which is Sociology). I have even purchased some of your revision material and unsurprisingly they were very good indeed. :-)

I'm over in Wales and we've had a bit more snow than you, and I'll be posting pictures and videos of that in my own post soon. We were still shut today (Monday) but we are back in tomorrow although with warnings that paths are still not clear etc.

Why do we work so hard, eh? Here I am posting at 2:22am after getting my lesons and resources sorted for tomorrow. It cannot be optimal that I am doing this, even after a couple of snow days and a weekend I am still not entirely caught up with my marking and report writing etc.

Hats off to you that you are leaving for new pastures, and I hope you find what you are seeking and that it nurtures you! I might be following in your footsteps soon enough but that's another story for another 2am comment or post :-)

Looking forward to talking Sociology with you at some point. All the best, Paul.

Hi Paul - thanks for the kind comment! Glad you like the other blog/ resources.

Sociology is a great subject yr right there.

Still in the process of figuring out what to use this place for tbh. Nice to meet another 'real' person!

Hope it thaws soon,


Interesting opinions on snow day, I totally agree with you.
In Romania in order to have a snow days you need this amount of snow, and at least -10 degrees Celsius.
This is a picture from Monday, it snowd every day since then and the depth of the snow (today) is around 60 cm.
This is the 5 consecutive snow day here.

Hy I know i'm going to be offtopic but if you are interested i've write my introduction post. I wish you a nice day.

I'm actually surprised - I was under the impression mainland Europe just 'got on with it' whatever the weather!

In general we don't mind the snow, but we had a 3 day blizzard IT WAS HORRIBLE!!!

yes the typical dusting of snow and public transport grinds to a halt and schools close their doors. We have around 6cm, but main roads clear. I don't drive at all when there is snow on the ground though as I get severe anxiety about doing so (I got caught in a blizzard once on the motorway and couldn't see where the side of the road started and ended), but I don't need to go anywhere. Enjoy your day off and recharge those batteries

Why thank you,

I certainly will!

I can imagine! I'm just glad I'm indoors. The only trip out I'll be making out is on foot, to the local!

I find that what triggers a snow day varies wildly depending on where you live. In some places a few inches of snow are enough to have everyone in a panic while in other places you might need a foot of snow.

I do feel like since the time I was in school the standard for what was bad enough weather for a snow day has dropped dramatically. It had to be below -30 C for our rural buses not to run. Which happened only once or twice a year usually. I don't remember ever missing a school day just because of the quantity of snow.

Lately though I have been hearing about more school closures due to weather that in my opinion isn't that bad. Like you mentioned there is a lot more concern for people's health or maybe it's just the liability concern if something were to happen.

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