Enabling Civil War 2.0 - Part XIII - The Offer We Can't Refuse

in #freedom7 years ago

by Quan Parker

Nothing to lose?

If you have no problem with seeing your descendants frog-marched into collectivist NWO hell, then by all means, stick your head back where it was. But don't imagine for a minute that it cannot be stopped; that is simply untrue. We outnumber the a**holes at least 50-1. But we must realize Trump cannot stop it alone, even if he understood how to do it without being JFK'd.

“We have nothing to lose but everything. So let’s go ahead. This is the wager of a generation. If we are to fail it is better, in any case, to have stood on the side of those who refuse to be dogs and are resolved to pay the price that must be paid so that man can be something more than a dog.” — Albert Camus (1913-1960), French philosopher and author as he received the Nobel in Literature, 1957.

No one will admit to giving Trump credit for anything, but he tries to do (or stop) a lot of things the bureaucracy refuses to honor or implement, and congress refuses to pass or enforce. So what do you suppose "we" should do?

Why not a tidal wave of protest and rage against those who would marginalize every website and silence every voice that believes in liberty, common sense or patriotism, for that matter?

If you want to do something more life-enhancing than sitting there watching The Voice or football played by hypocritical idiots making $200 per minute, while you descend into the miasma, you might choose your battle from among those represented in the links below, and get on with it.

For starters, if this essay halfway rings the common-sense bell in your head, send a link to your friends, relatives and young voters who are curious but lack clues. If needed, tell them you don't necessarily agree with half of it, but the rest is very interesting... if that is the case. The Thanksgiving Day post has convenient links to all the other parts of the series. And it matters not at all who wrote it.

"The greater good and individual liberty are not opposites. In fact, nothing which suppresses individual liberty could ever help the greater good. Great accomplishments often are built by groups, but the idea and the vision and the drive always comes from an individual." — E. Stobblehouse

Time is running out on this makeshift hot-air-bubble economy. "Things" are getting pretty loose in the goose. People producing nothing but "entertainment" and live off the froth of the free-wheeling free-expression and free market society begin to realize that this golden goose is getting very sick (especially of the rabid, hateful antics of some of their peers), they begin to get worried, as well they should. Because rest assured, Atlas will Shrug.

Failure begets... secession
Perhaps it's time for some serious brain-drain to occur, if anything is to survive of Original Intent — as in Texas, California, Vermont, etc., moving to secede from this ruined experiment in Liberty, as is their right. At the very least there might be a migration of people who really believe in personal liberty and the life-giving powers of common medicinal plants to states that have wisely legalized them, and leave behind the suffocating ignorance and venality of authoritarian scum who don't give a shit if marijuana saves lives.

Except in regard to these plants with scientifically documented wonder-drug capabilities, Liberty is slightly less ruined here in Texas than in many states, and the state constitution guarantees the right to "Texit"; not that it takes a constitution to recognize and "grant" this right, it exists independently; inalienable.

"...It is an axiom in political science, that unless a people are educated and enlightened, it is idle to expect the continuance of civil liberty, or the capacity for self government." ~ Texas Declaration of Independence; March 2, 1836.

Are you enlightened?
The sources listed below can fill your life, or at least your "spare time," with knowledge, insight and perhaps a new kind of hope. That often happens when a person becomes aware for the first time of the intelligence, energy and determination to be found in the libertarian movement. There are millions of us, and we will never give up on the inalienable rights being denied more every day by the slowly creeping, life-destroying lava flow of bipartisan, authoritarian overreach.

Don't let this vision go in one eye and out the other.

Serious activism is required immediately from intelligent citizens and patriots motivated by these supporting voices of logic and clear thought, found almost exclusively online:

ActivistPost.com, Alt-market.com, Antiwar.com, BitChute.com, Campaign for Liberty, CatherineJFrompovich.com, TheDailyBell.com, DTube.com, Electronic Frontier Foundation, Fully-Informed Jury Association, Fair.org, The Future of Freedom Foundation, Independent Institute, Infowars.com, Institute for Justice, JudicialWatch.org, The Intercept, LewRockwell.com, Mises Institute, NaturalNews.com, NoMoreFakeNews.com, PressForTruth.ca, Republican Liberty Caucus, RT.com, Rutherford Institute, Steemit.com, Tenth Amendment Center, TheFreeThoughtProject.com, Unz.com, VotersWantMoreChoices.com, Zero Aggression Project, Zerohedge.com.

But you better hurry because the overthrow of "net neutrality" is changing the game. Many of these websites are now being censored/service slowed/ads blocked/searches denied/ slandered by NSA/CIA-controlled Google, YouTube, FaceBook, Twitter and domestic ISP's, not to mention hordes of paid trolls slinging offal at every comment that favors common sense and liberty over conformity and subjugation.

"Suspicion must always fall upon those who attempt to silence their opponents." Ian Buckley, radical Irish playwright.

Such is the current state of "public discourse." The rabid hounds of tyranny bark loudly because they subconsciously know they are morally bankrupt and could still fail at their project to enslave the entire mucking world. The websites listed above are the antithesis of immorality, tyranny and subjugation. Forget partisanism and act accordingly.

Choose Your Back-monkey
To slightly oversimplify the big picture and employ a politically-incorrect metaphor, just over half the voting population supported the candidate of the productive minority holding the world economy on its shoulders. They want the government off their backs (except for the military, a huge mistake because it's an uncontrollable gorilla all by itself).

The unproductive liberal-fascist majority (who wisely failed to show up for Hillary in key states) wants to empower their house goons, I mean, apes, to:

  1. Usurp all power, negate the Bill of Rights and control the media and the internet;
  2. Redouble efforts to extract taxes from the productive, aka the "golden goose;" as if they will still cooperate [visual of a gorilla ravaging a huge, powerful (but dumb) metallic goose which finally fights back], and;
  3. Continue to "print" an accelerated, unlimited supply e-dollars for the military and exploding entitlements, the cost of which the tax take cannot even begin to dent, and so the unsustainable goes onward while the hole gets deeper. More and more of these ethereal fiat units end up swapped for cryptocurrencies that, while unbacked as well, at least cannot be inflated like the petrofiat, and pricewise beats the crap out of staying in the FATCA world-mind-prison.

As Max Keiser pointed out recently, we are witnessing the unruly growth pains of a new monetary system provided by the trembling Invisible Hand of the Market. And it already works better than any other exchange medium, but is less secure without intrinsic value as precious metals themselves. When we start seeing gold quoted in Bitcoin or other solidly reliable crypto, we will know that the future has a future.

Liberals, because they are utterly uneducated in general, do not understand what happens to the value of currency when the inflationists take over and every idealistic "good" idea gets funded. In a word, Zimbabwe, or Germany in 1923. Hitler certainly loved it.

An "offer we can't refuse?"
The destruction of Liberty and Property must be opposed with all due resistance except violence, which only plays into the hands of the ultra-paranoid enforcers, helps justify their worst actions and ridiculous budgets.

The sleazebund and its constituents, the takers and fakers whose only political theory is that America's taxpaying minority somehow owes them a living, still believe that a government money-printing computer paying militarized police to pound globalism down our throats is all that is required to create utopia, complete with "social justice." And they don't want to hear you say otherwise, 'cause that's hatin'. Yeah well, it's time for the grownups to say NO.

And yes, I do hate the avarice and stupidity that drives those who clamor for anything and everything but the liberty to speak our minds, pursue happiness and long life as we see fit. And as a necessary corollary to the Right to Life, ownership and use of hand-held machines which, properly used, can protect each individual life in the way that no slingshot or switchblade or good intention can.

Good people can make almost any system work to the extent that it recognizes and protects property rights and guarantees basic liberties. Otherwise Western Civilization in its various iterations wouldn't exist... but if some bastardized collectivist system replaces the Constitution, with no way to reverse it?

The grand old document, based upon a valid theory of human nature proving freedom is better than slavery, is the only identifiable cornerstone existing between a continuation of a quasi-'free' America (fixable) as a basic construct, and a collectivist/globalist feeding frenzy (not fixable).

The good people who survive the Big Reset will thank us all if we do now, rather than later, what needs to be done. In Atlas Shrugged linked above, the most productive members of society, who were being robbed blind for the benefit of "all," went on strike.

Chaos doesn't have to happen, or cost us our lives. Avoiding it will however involve big, scary, fundamental changes that should result in many people who now work for the government finding another field of endeavor, so to speak, as in growing their own food. We and they would all be better off for it.

"'Anarchy' is when the former government employees riot in the streets." ~ Lucifer's Lexicon

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