WHY i don't have photos on STEEMIT

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

I already sold my soul to Facebook 10 years ago... It seams such a wonderful platform in the beginning, where you can connect with people from all over the world, where you can find your friends that you met during your travels and where you can speak with each other anytime for free.

purple wolf.jpg

This is the main reason why I always said that I am keeping Facebook. I am traveling a lot and I have hundreds of people which I met in this time and I am the type of person who has a low budget, so I need this people to reconnect with for housing, instead of going to hotels. In fact, I traveled almost all Europe for several years and I only payed for accommodation a handful of times. So I need Facebook. It is an excuse, I know because I could have had connected with people in other ways also (phone, email, etc). But is became so addictive that is so hard to jump out of train.

In the meantime, I put hundreds of photos on it and 2 years ago I realized that they were all public. And I don't want somebody who doesn't know me at all to spy on me and to see all my history. What I did 5 years ago, what bar I have been, what drink I had and so fort. It was too much interfering with my intimacy. Plus, whenever I am interested in a person, I am always looking up at Facebook. The interest, the photos, the posts. And I find it nowadays so far away from reality - to be judge only by in front of a computer instead of asking directly. What would it have cost to ask - how old are you, what sign are you, what music do you like and so on? Instead of spying each other...

So it has lots of moral questions for me Facebook. And the human connection begins to change from a heart to heart one to a computer to computer one.

Anyway, the link with Steemit now. Well, I am a beginner on this platform. I joined in because a very cool person, the father of my kids's friends told me this is a place with plenty of alternative unconventional people where I can also earn some bucks. And as I working from home (or in other words I am freelancer who only does what he enjoys for living and not working in a system 8-17) I was very easily convinced to join in. But I don't really know how the network works over here. I hear every single information we post in will stay encrypted on the block chain. Does it mean that it will forever and ever be here? Well, honestly, after all this previous bad experience with Facebook, I tend to be a bit skeptical in the beginning in revealing ALL MY LIFE. Again, is not that I am a VIP or somebody who you will recognize on the street, but I am into myself and I don't want to become one Very Important and Known Person. So I let the darkness of the moon to be in between us.

Let's share our mind, but not our souls :)


it is so funny to read this. I had the same opinion on facebook. Actually didn't like it too much placing photographs. I did it though but when I count how many compared with all the years I spent on the platform it's fairly little. Here on steemit I got in some of my postings MUCH MORE private than on FB. For some reason I found it here more secure. May it be the way of getting the account or that the postings after seven days do not interest people so much. I don't know, I think my reasons are not rational at all.

But I must say, I do think not only twice but sometimes more often before I say a stupid thing. The self discipline and control here is much higher, at least I do practice that. Here you can trace everything. While on FB it gets lost in time and space. Or I should say for the normal user not for those who want to spy;-)

You can watch here in the wallets of people and in the beginning I found that unbelievable! Now I got used to it but still it is like peeping into ones bank account. Well, I want to leave now. I hope you will join in again. For myself I try to make a break and not be here so often. But I did not make so far a long lasting break. Will see.
All the best for you.
P.S. freelancing is a good way of living.

freelancing is the best way of living! i couldn't imagine something else for myself. although, after so many years of independence, i wonder how it is to have a fixed job. maybe i will experience this for a short while :))

i think on facebook also you can track everything. or they can track everything, which is creepy. i wonder if you delete the photos or the posts, if they will still be on that platform. here i thing everything stays forever, even cold November rain :)
all the best back :)

A very solid and honest opinion.

From what I've understood so far unlike facebook or medium the post on steemit belong to the author and thus comes the monetization part. You're monetizing what's yours. I'm still researching, so might not be too accurate with this statement. Just a thought for now.

Regarding the privacy I started to think of Social Media differently recently. As you pointed out there is a huge difference between sharing your mind and sharing your sould. Huge difference.

I'm different in the virtual world from what I'm in the physical world and even though it's 2017 I still feel like we're going through the very early days of the internet and virtual connections of the minds. We're still running alpha...

Thus, tons of questions are still to be answered and studying/applying sociology and psychology for the virtual communications/observations looks like the most reasonable approach towards understanding where we're at atm and what are the best tactics to be applied.

I got to your blog through your comment on the post by @fred777bear about Fears. Nice to meet you 😇

indeed we are in the early days of the internet. in the beginning was like "what can this button do?" but now, we realize all the power of the internet so is good to a bit more conscious on how we use this tool :)

thank you for stopping by! nice to meet you too, cat :)

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