The Police is Not there to Protect YousteemCreated with Sketch.

in #freedom7 years ago


Contrary to what you have been indoctrinated with, the police is not there to protect you. It's only there to protect the government and their dictates, while giving you the illusion of protecting you.

This is a fundamental problem that libertarians and freedom minded people have to understand. It doesn't matter if there are some "good" cops, the entire institution is not there for you.

Think about it, they are hunting "criminals", as if the criminal would be like some distance concept that you imagine it's somewhere out there, but it's certainly not you. Well I have bad news for you, the criminal is always you. You are a potential criminal in every cop's mind, and it's just a question of time or luck until you will be arrested for something.

You might not be a criminal now, but laws change, and since you have no way of remembering 10,000 new laws that get passed every single year, in your average country, you will become a criminal eventually. And then you will be the target.

Protect & Serve

Yes they are protecting the government, and serving only them, and not you. Yes if your house is robbed, you call 911, they might come, but they might come too late. It's not like they will patrol your house and protect it, or if you have an enemy they won't provide you with bodyguard services.

For that you have to turn to the private market, and look for private bodyguard escort services. That is not the job of the police.

  • So they might help you if you have a burglar in your house
  • But they will guaranteed come for you if:
    • If you haven't paid your taxes
    • If you are a political enemy
    • If you have broke any law that you didn't know even existed

The Good Cop

Is there such thing as a good cop? You know like a friendly sheriff that just "looks out" for the neighborhood and just does his job, patrols, and catches burglars. Maybe, but this is an institutional problem. Even if he has good intentions, if the institution's policies are evil, then no matter how righteous you are, you become evil, just by being a member.

I mean its not like the Nazi Gestapo secret police had any morals when they busted into people's home at midnight (most time for no reason at all, just for fun), and dragged people away, tortured them all night long, and then they either died from the torture, or they were sent to a Concentration Camp.

They were just doing their jobs right? Technically Nazi Germany was a democratic country, and had done everything “democratically”. They just revoked the citizenship from the political enemies, and then they are no longer covered by the rights, and the secret police can do whatever they want after that.

This is what enforcing the law means, Nazi Gestapo thugs torturing people. This was the law 72 years ago, how is this law any different than the current law, and what prevents another law like this being passed?

Certainly the police that are "just doing their jobs" now would have no problem enforcing Nazi laws, just as the Nazis back then had no problem with it. Some of they might had second thoughts, but it doesn't matter, because they have actively participated in the genocide of up to 11 million people, so second thoughts and "sorry" doesn't make up for it.

So the good cop myth is an illusion. If they are really good, then they quit their jobs and become private security contractors, where they will actually serve those that pays them.

And this is increasingly important in a world where tyranny is only increasing, like in the world we live in today.


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asi es, la policia no esta para protegernos ...

The Police is there to protect the Humans that are living in the state, nothing more and nothing less.

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