Slavery TodaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)


Slavery never went away, it just took a more subtle form. Almost all humans today are enslaved, it's just that they are so distracted with pop culture and technology that they don't even realize it.

Humans have a horrible habit of ruling and dominating over eachother, where a ruler declares himself ruler, and is subjugating others under his will, mostly by using violence or the threat of violence. And where there is a master, there is automatically a slave.

So if there are rulers in the world who rule over humans and command people through laws, that automatically means that the rest of the people are their slaves, since they have absolutely no choice in the matter. The slaves only have the power to elect their slavemaster every 4 years, and through this election process they think they are free. But electing your slavemaster is not equal to freedom. You are still enslaved, it's just that your are distracted into believing that the previous slavemaster was bad, and by electing a new one, he will be good.

Slavery was present pretty much throughout all human history, starting with the family, escalating all the way up to Nation States, Superstates (like the EU), and the upcoming Global Government:

The moment a human gives up his individuality, is the moment when he puts the shackles on his limbs.


And yes, unfortunately the family is also a subjugational system by default, despite that Libertarians would like you to believe that the family is freedom, a child has to put up with his abusive parents until 18. But if he is taken away and put into foster care, well that is Government intervention which is also bad. And kids are forced to go to public indoctrination camps.

Well I don't see any freedom there, a child is forcibly indoctrinated from 3 years old, until 26 years old. That is child slavery.


Adults are more financially enslaved more than anything. After their mental indoctrination is complete at 18 or 26, they go to find a job (if they are lucky).

Then they will quickly realize that they will have to pay (86.93% income tax + property tax + local taxes + inflation) in Germany, or (84.4% income tax + property tax + local taxes + inflation) in France.

Well full slavery was when 100% of your earning is taken away, and you are only provided food and shelter to work for your slavemaster. So you have to work all day for your slavemaster, and all your earnings is taken away.

Partial Slavery?

Well that means that in Germany you are only 87% slave and in France you are only 84% slave, possibly more because there are the other taxes and the EUR inflation, but still not a 100% slave. What a relief isn't it? But wait!

So if you are earning 1,000,000 EUR in Germany you are left with 130,000 EUR, which is still enough for a very good lifestyle, and even though most of your money is taken away, you can still afford a luxurious lifestyle and you won't feel enslaved.

Or Full Slavery?

But if you are earning only 1000 EUR, you are only left with 130 EUR, which is barely enough to buy food and shelter. So that means that if you are earning less money (which most of the population do) then you can only afford basic necessities.

Now let me ask you something, isn't this 100% slavery then? The gross minimum wage in Germany is 1414.4 EUR assuming 8 hours/day work , so that leaves you 183.872 EUR after taxes.

Now with 183.872 EUR you can barely survive, you can buy food , water and shelter in order to work more.

Social Security is a mirage

And sure you pay 20.43 % for Social Security, so you get a Pension Ponzi scheme ticket if you are lucky (min pension age > life expectancy), and you get medical services.

But that is no argument. A Roman slave had also got a pension from his slavemaster (after 30 years of slave work I believe he was set free with an old age bonus) and he got health care, a Roman slave owner took his slaves to the doctor to keep them healthy so that they can work better.

So don't let the Social Security fool you, ancient slaves had these too, in order to keep them more productive. After all a sick slave can't work.

Majority of the Population is actually Enslaved

So this means that since most of the population is earning minimum wages, or close to it, and the large weight of the tax burden is paid by these slave workers (physical workers, sweatshop slaves, etc...).

It looks to me that that 87% slavery is actually 100% slavery, and the remaining 13% is just left to you so that you can buy the food and water necessary to work more.

And it's the same in other countries as well, I just picked Germany and France as an example due to being leaders of the EU, and how another layer of Government won't resolve issues, but make them worse.

It looks to me as if the European Union is a continental enslavement operation, just like in Nazi Germany where the persecuted ethnicities were slave laborers in concentration camps, and the Germans were forced to work 12-16 hours in ammunition factories for little or no pay.

Well done European Union, the ancient Egyptian pharaohs would be proud. But we need a Moses to free the EU citizens from slavery.


Upvote, ReSteem & bluebutton


Most of us are enslaved by debt.

Taxes are the payment of the public debt. Taxes finance the payment of the public debt. So if your country is indebted, then taxes are raised in order to pay down that debt, or at least service it.

Whether you also have private debt, that is another issue. But the private debt that you acquire is voluntary. Your are not forced to take on private debt.

But you are forced to pay the government debt via taxes that your ancestors have accumulated.

Excellent post! Upvoted and resteemed!

Steem on,

Very good job with this and yes I agree we are 100% enslaved .
Have you ever thought why would a country ever borrow any money when they have the power to make all they need ? The answer is so they can pay interest to the central banks which the slave masters own and the sheeple think yes this how it has to be done . So sad

Have you ever thought why would a country ever borrow any money when they have the power to make all they need ?

No, that's not how it works. It does that in order to keep inflation in check, if it would print their own money, then there would be instant hyperinflation.

We are free range slaves now. Much like free range cattle. We produce better if we have a choice in what we do for our slave labour.

Yes that is true. There was even a book about this, which compared egyptian slavery with modern slavery, and how in ancient times, slavery was based on physical violence, but today it's based on manipulation and propaganda. I don't know the name, maybe you should google it.

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