Culture warriors in the right are wrong. Here's why

in #freedom8 years ago

I like to separate the culture statists "muh borders" types from those who are making the accurate point that freedom of movement doesn't exist without consent. That line is important in being accurate about the arguments. Where too many who lean alt-right culture statist get it wrong is in assuming that their "correct" border position means they get to deny me the right to consent to immigrants on my private property.
Where they also get it wrong is that I'm somehow obligated to subsidize and support their non-propertarian solution to the borders problem.
Wrong. I'm not obligated to pay a socialized cost, or subsidize anyone's "muh culture" argument, or their obvious culture statism. I'm not obligated to anything at all. The idea that I am is more socialistic than not.
People are swinging too hard in the other direction in trying to deny the "freedom of movement" types... It doesn't equate an automatic right to deny movement on MY property for me.
Please, fuck off with that commie bullshit. - Eric Von Rothkirch


I'm from Germany where most people are for unlimited immigration. Every time I say that I'm against the state paying for refugees with tax money people call me a fascist. They don't wait till I tell them that everyone should be allowed to bring refugees onto their property but that they would have the responsibility to feed and shelter them. And even if they let me make this statement they think that I say this because I hate refugees. But that's not true. I think that refugees would be much better of in a free society. The most vulnerable would get the most help because individuals can choose whom they want to help and they would choose those who are most in need unlike now where mainly the strongest can flee and so become refugees.

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