Being classically liberal

in #freedom7 years ago

Something to really think about...

People in this country don't actually use health "insurance". They use a cost-shifting scheme designed to pay for most day-to-day expenses that relate to health. People incorrectly refer to that as "health insurance."

This is not what "insurance" was supposed to be.

In most segments of the industry, insurance is used only for catastrophes. You don't buy car insurance to have it cover the expense of refueling your vehicle at a gas station, changing the brake pads, funding an oil change every 3,000 miles, or replacing your air fresheners. You buy car insurance to protect you in the event of a catastrophic loss. Example: you hit a rich family's car and significantly disfigure their child in the accident. Better have a million dollars lying around because you're getting sued! THAT is what insurance pays for. It's not supposed to be used for every God damned thing.

No, insurance is not supposed to buy you a cup of orange juice at the hospital. The fact that it does is precisely WHY they'll charge you $8 for it. They know you aren't looking at the bill. They know you aren't shopping around to compare prices. Nope. Not in America. In America, all we do is close our eyes, stick our fingers in our ears, and say "let the insurance pay for it."

And we wonder why health insurance costs sky rocket?

Justin Souto


And these government-cartelized industries protected from competition by government law, providing coverage mandated by government law, and now with customers compelled to purchase by law, are called proof of free market failure.

It's not just whether the cost is minor or catastrophic, it's whether the cost can be anticipated/predicted. The only reason it's sensible for groups of people to join an insurance pool together is because they know each of them have risk of events they can't afford individually, but they don't know which of them will have those risks realized. It's worth a smaller predictable cost to all of them to distribute some of that impact across the whole group so none of them will be crushed. If they start covering known future expenses and preexisting conditions without pricing the premiums to fully account for them, the whole system breaks down because it's easy to anticipate who's getting a bad deal and who's getting subsidized.

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