Being classically liberal

in #freedom7 years ago

How many times now has Trump's trajectory toward impeachment been assured by some new revelation...yet nothing comes of the vaporous evidence? Democrats remind me of some sad, aged prom queen, passed by by time itself, engaging in magical thinking and desperate fantasies that some imaginary gentleman suitor will arrive and restore her passed glory. Hint: There is no prince coming bearing articles of impeachment.

Cease engaging in crackbrained fantasies and demand your party actually stand for something other than being the Party of Wall Street and of neoliberal and militarist imperium. But Democrats possess no desire to reverse the trajectory of capitalist perdition and the blood-sodden, Treasury decimating policies that maintain and expand aforementioned US economic and militarist imperialism — they simply crave a new and more effective front person to camouflage their corruption.

It comes down to this: Almost everyone sees through Trump's crass and craven conning. Obama was a far more effective con man. Why? Liberals had the Wall Street bagman and multicultural imperialist tool's back. Now, he has absconded with his High Dollar benefactors, trailing a effluvia of reeking dollars, and there you sit, Democratic partisans, bedecked in your broken tiara and torn prom dress, pining away that another sweet lie-proffering, political Lothario will replace the likes of Obama’s slick ass.

What a sad sight it is. One could be move to pity for their plight — if only Democrats were not enclosed in such a psychical citadel of groupthink-enabled, supercilious scorn towards anyone who has the temerity to question their looney-nugget, Russiagate fantasies.


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