When the Fuck are We Going to Wake Up?

in #freedom7 years ago

Wakey wakey.jpg

Put yourself in their shoes for a moment.

Imagine being a mainstream journalist and not understanding that the corporate press is a propaganda unit of the ruling ‘excrete’.

Or a politician who is ignorant of the corporatocracy which has infiltrated the government apparatus to dictate macro policy design.

Then there are doctors who prescribe toxic and lethal substances not knowing there are many natural remedies being suppressed.

What about military personnel who lack insight into who their real masters are.

Scientists who have fallen victim to the lie of a matter-based universe.

Academics and teachers who cannot see through the falsity of official education.

The list goes on.

That leads us to the public. Those confused social justice warriors don’t realize they’re being played by a divide and conquer strategy. The younger generations are being hypnotized by a consumerist world on technocratic steroids. The poor parents forced to work in jobs they hate whilst their kids are being indoctrinated right before their eyes. And the masses in general are designed as good little minions of a sick and twisted system, resulting in their own version of sickness and twistedness.

It’s enough to make you cry, or laugh, depending on your philosophical outlook.

So it’s good to have empathy for these lost souls, because we all would have wanted that before we consciously initiated our personal journey of becoming more aware of both the systemic and spiritual truths of our reality. However, just because I personally feel sympathy for your ignorant, self-abusive and anti-sovereign state of mind and heart, doesn’t mean I’m going to let you off the hook.

You own yourself and your perspective. You own your shit. Therefore, do your fucking job already; become a true player in this reality, instead of just an unconscious, robotic program designed by someone who isn’t you.

Otherwise you’ll not just fail yourself, but your family, friends and future generations too. Surely you don’t want to deal with that on your deathbed.


Nailed it. We're born in the system. We have to choose to wake up and make a change to get out, otherwise it keeps chewing on us.

Fuck yeah Phil, totally agree.
No time like the Now time to boogie :)
This whole charade is an absolute bore at best. I've never sat with this so called 'system' and never will, its a Lierarchy and as you classically worded it, "the ruling ‘excrete’." Brilliant ;)

I can barely be bothered anymore to speak to the blind let alone walk the streets. I've moved to a mountain with a small population, gone off grid and started my Permaculture garden.

I love the ethics of Permaulture:

  1. Care of the Earth
  2. Care of the People
  3. All surplus go the ethics 1 & 2

Its so so simple, but then again, all the brilliant things just are .....wink wink

Keep growing that Organic greatness Phil and those interviews you do are blindness breakers for sure.

I'm still eagerly awaiting one you do with John Lash :)

I'm reading for a 3rd time a book called Voices of the First Day that speaks of how the peoples of this great land are part of the Dream that the Dreamer is Dreaming.
In mindfulness for oodles of no time they expressed this via movement and voice. Their connection was expressed in all that they Be.

Reminds me of the Telestic Myth of Sophia's Correction where she has been sleeping for many many years and finally awakens in her Dream and those that are aware enough to sense that they are part of the great Dreaming that has been designed before corruption overtook it awaken also.

Yes, the Dreamer and the Dreamed are awakening from the Dream (nightmare)

Love your stuff Phil, thank you for flying the Truth high.

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