Steem Basic Income: You could be sponsored…

in #freedom6 years ago (edited)

Logo PeekbitSBI.jpg


I still remember how I’ve enjoyed receiving my first Steem Basic Income (SBI) share… what a nice surprise!
By the way I received it from @modernzorker, one of the most friendly and encouraging guys here at steemit.

What's Steem Basic Income (SBI)

SBI is a guaranteed upvote on every post you make. It’s not much what you receive for one share, just a few cent, but you don’t have to do some extra for it - just continue with your posts. By the way, if you upvote one post of @steembasicincome a day, your benefit will be increased.

The Idea

I really enjoy to be here with all the nice and friendly steemians around. And I like the idea (I’ve adopted from @modernzorker) to give something back to you from my SBI benefits and the upvote returns I receive due to all my followers (and some guys who drop by:) - but with special thanks to @retinox here.
Anyway, I like to point out that I appreciate every upvote and even if it doesn't influence the return in $, it always influence my heart.


So for the time being I’ve decided to sponsor once a week one or two of my followers who produce regularly a non-arbitrary content. In this case a regular content - at least one post a week - indeed is important to see my sponsorship is paying off for you one day. And maybe some of you will receive more than one share over time.

I’ve started with @modernzorker and @retinox already a few days ago and I like to continue today.

SBI Sponsorship of the Week

This week I feel that the benefits of SBI by one share should go to…

‼️ @davedickeyyall 😊

How you could sponsor too

In case you want to sponsor someone by yourself just send 1 STEEM to @steembasicincome and put the name of the user you want to sponsor in the memo field. That’s all. A notification will be send with a transaction of 0.001 STEEM payment from @steembasicincome to the one who is sponsored now. As a sponsor you earn a share of SBI yourself - so it’s even a win-win.

The official thread for SBI is


Somebody must really love you, since it looks like you've got 100 shares of SBI now! Glad I could start the ball rolling for you. You'll be level 60 before you know it. :)

Yes 😊 If somebody loves my posts so much I'm happy too. And if it really works I'll 'pay back' one day 🍀
But I don't think (or hope at least) that the number of sbi shares influence your reputation. It would mean you could buy a high reputation. Hope you get just the upvotes - that's already nice 😊

Actually, you can buy a high reputation...

Reputation is a function of the upvote value that you have received. So continual votes from SBI will gradually boost your reputation, but I think there is a limit to how much boost you can get from any particular account.

ah - thank you @josephsavage, I didn‘t know that...a kind of a limit would be a good idea here 😊 @peekbit

I am confuse. why SBI will upvote me.

Because you have got a share in the SBI-Fund. And you get a share if you sponsor someone or someone sponsors you.

How does the SBI work?

You buy a share for someone you think he/she should be supported. Both of you get a share in the SBI-Fund and the SBI-Fund always upvotes you. The more shares you have the higher the upvote. More to read here:

Thanks @peekbit ... I went and gave them a couple UV too.. I really appreciate your sponsorship


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