MY DECLARATION ....Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal: Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent:

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)




The united 50 States of America


Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal: Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent:

Notice is Law; ignorance of the law is no excuse; as it is written; it shall be done;

Acceptance of Oath of Office
Let it be known by these words that the Oaths and bonds of all public officers are hereby accepted and confirmed and I hereby bind them to it, who by fealty and homage bear faith in opposition to all men without any saving or exception, to protect the King and his property from belligerents. I bestow my sovereign immunity on them while administering my lawful orders. This public record under the seal of a competent court is guaranteed full faith and credit per Article 4 Section 1 of your Constitution;

i, a man, juan: Declare,

i am, at peace with all mankind;

i, affirm the word of i, is the bond of i;

i, claim,

to all public servants, including but not limited to any Federal, State, or Local corporate government(s): i, a man, juan jose: accept your oath of office as your firm and binding contract between you and i, a man: one of the People, whereby you have promised to serve, protect, and defend i, a man: guarantee all of my unalienable rights, and defend the Constitution for the united States of America: any/all political, private, or public entities, International, Federal, State, or Local corporate government(s), private International Organization(s), Municipality(ies), Corporate agent(s), informant(s), investigator(s) et. al., and/or third party(ies) working in collusion to deny i, a man: of my right to life, freedom and property will be held to account and fees paid in lawful monies by any and all acting officer (s), due to any and all orders, enforced, under color of law; such as: Traffic revenue stops, Asserting and enforcing any false claims and false claims of Jurisdiction, Pillage, Barratry, Entrapment, Enslavement, Probate fraud, Fiduciary Trust Fraud, unilateral adhesion contracts, Identity theft, Piracy,Enfranchisement, press-ganging, Unlawful conscription and conversion of assets;

Through the grace of the Creator, and retroactively to my declared date of creation, August 30, 1960, this declaration is an expression of my civil status as An American National.

This statement supersedes all previous presumptions by any legitimate authorities or impostors impersonating legitimate authorities or who are currently impersonating lawful public servants in fraud and dishonor.
The flesh lives; the blood flows. We are sovereign and nothing stands between myself and the divine.

We are all born living breathing men and women, (wo)man) ....... divine spirits....

... light beings.... kings and queens owned by no one........ Our Creator given birthright that no one can take away....

Masters of our destiny, Masters of our castles, shared owners of the land, the water, and resources… There for all to live on and enjoy in peaceful harmony… Making sure to care for our beautiful Earth: i, a man, come in peace;


from the beginning, with Creator as my witness, i:juan, a true man of Creator, acknowledge all blessings given by Creator, repent all transgressions against Creator, and waive all claims without Creator.

i; say, all here to be true and will verify at common law open court;


By: juan: a man;

Brothers and Sisters,

i have always known that some thing is terribly wrong with how Legalese is used against the Man and Woman . A simulation of LAW using Color of LAW.

i have come to understand that Governments, Religions, Banksters, and Corporations are complicit in conspiracy of collusion against We the People of Mother Earth; to keep all Wo/Man under control to steal our "Hard Earn Money" yes in form "MONEY" in all phases of our life. In Substance YOUR ENERGY!!

They are here to force Humanity into debt slaves, CHATTEL, to service the national debt of every country and create Hugh profits for the VERY FEW. Money they create out of thin air and then charge interest, interest, they never create, so that the DEBT CAN NEVER BE REPAID!! Most all countries are CORPORATIONS!!

Just go to Dun & Bradstreet or use google to find this to be true. It is the same with your States, County, Cities, Towns, Villages, Municipalities, your School Districts, and any other name a government body chooses to go by.

It is the same with Police Stations, Sheriff Office's, Court Buildings, all State Houses Congress,and the POTUS they are all CORPORATIONS!!!.

All this is out there in the public to seek this truth out.

The Creator created Wo/Man. Every other title is a mental construct created by Law Merchants (attorneys) to enslave all of Mankind on planet Earth.

If you really give this thought, your are "CALLED " a man or woman, a mental construct, when in reality you are are DIVINE sentient BE-ing having this "3D human" experience in a meat suit, given a title.

It is time we all seek the knowledge to free ourselves and our Brothers and Sisters from this world wide tyranny. That is what i want for all Brothers and Sisters on Mother Earth.

Do not take my word on it, just do a little research and you will be SHOCKED!!

Time is running out, OUR freedoms are taken away with every bill passed against We the People. POLICY/CODE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS are killing We the People at an alarming rate.

COURTS are throwing We the People in jail for commercial crimes when there is no TRUE victim. All crimes are commercial, for HUGE profits writing BONDS against the ALL CAPS NAME, which is NOT YOUR NAME. Commercial crimes are unlawful.

That is what i share here, for all to find and then go do your own research to seek these truths.

There is but one Law.......... DO NO HARM!!!

Ask your self what kind of WORLD are we leaving our children and grand children if we stand by and do nothing?

i have some questions!!

What if everything you have been told and learned is a lie?

What if the NAME of "your" birth certificate is not yours?

What if your Birth Certificate is a Bond held in trust?

What if your Birth Certificate is the Pre-Paid account?

What if your Birth Certificate was being traded on the New York Stock Exchange?

What if TPTB have been writing Bonds off your Birth Certificate making billions for the Few?

What if everything you need to survive in life was Pre-Paid, but you were NEVER TOLD?

What if everything you need is held in trust waiting for you to come forth as the Heir?

What if the Congress passed LAWS to legalize PROPAGANDA Against We The People?

What if the whole "American Dream" was force down our throats to keep us from the truth?

What if "The American Dream" was used to trap the Man/Woman and enrich the few over the many?

What if a UNITED STATES Citizen (public transmitting utility) is Government property? Chattel?

What if every Man/Woman are the actual value to the UNITED STATES being used as the collateral for a Private Corporation? A HUMAN RESOURCE?

What if Full Faith and Credit is your actual energy?

What if every baby born is made a corporation at birth and turned into a person with a Certificate of Birth call a BOND?

What if the "money" you have in your wallet is not Money?

What if all so called “money” is not actual Money and they are private script notes ACTING as Money?

What if all paper money is not true Currency back by value of gold or silver?

What if all “FEDERAL RESERVE NOTES” (printed on that paper) belongs to a private corporation called the FEDERAL RESERVE?

What if all deposits, checking and savings are a loan to the bank and that was made LAW by an ACT of congress?

What if , by the 2005 Bankruptcy Act allows ALL BANKS to take all deposits, checking and savings to be able to pay off their gambling debts (derivatives)?

What if all Safety Deposit Boxes could be confiscated in a BANK CRISIS?

What if “your” accounts were emptied because “your money” does not belong to you?

What if every time YOU wrote a check YOUR bank made a profit?

What if you go look up Hypothecation?

What if your so called "STATE and FEDERAL Representative are actually NOT PUBLIC OFFICIALS but are in FACT all CORPORATE OFFICERS and NEVER swear a TRUE oath of office nor sign that oath?

What if “your so called State and Federal Representative” wrote laws that allow Banksters to steal all your hard earned energy called “Money”?

What if all lawmakers and Law enforcers worked for Private Corporations known as Villages, Towns, Cities, Counties, State,Churches and Federal GOVERNMENTS helping to enrich and protect ALL BANKSTERS and MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS, to lord over and to control We the People as chattel?

What if you took the time to look up your local GOVERNMENT on to see that your local GOVERNMENT is a FOR PROFIT PRIVATE CORPORATION?

What if there where no Lawful Positive Courts any where in The United States of America?

What if the American Bar Association and The National Lawyers Guild worked AGAINST We the People?

What if every attorney’s first obligation is to the B.A.R. and not to their client, the State or America?

What if every attorney is a foreign agent working for a secret society (Private Union) known as The B.A.R. that comes out of the City of London?

What if B.A.R Attorney. 1st duty (OATH) is to the B.A.R., 2nd Duty (OATH) to the Courts, 3rd Duty to the STATE? Finally a fraudulent Oath to We the People?

What if the A.B.A answers ( swears the OATH for) to the London B.A.R.?

What if every Law Enforcement Policy Officer 1st oath is to The Fraternal Order of Police (a secret Society) and has nothing to do about serving and protecting, We the People?

What if every Policy (police) Law enforcement Officer is a Revenue Generating Agent?

What if every Judge is a Revenue Collector and profits off you ACTING as the NAMED PERSON?

What if every judge is not a judge and is a administrator and banker for the courts as debt collectors?

What if all United States Citizens are collateral, surety, chattel, INDENTURED debt slaves for the National Debt that you the Man and Woman are American State Nationals and are not a party too the "NATIONAL DEBT"?

What if Full Faith and Credit meant....(Full)= Birth til Death,,,ASSESSMENT of LIFETIME of PAYED TAXES (FAITH)= FORCED COMPLIANCE by the STATE
(CREDIT)= OUR Energy????

What if the IRS is a private corporation collecting taxes for a private corporation?

What if all IRS collected taxes where not used for America, not one penny, but HUGE profits for the very few in London Banks?

What if you look up Ronald Reagan's Grace Commission Report?

What if you look up the CAFR (Comprehensive annual financial report) accounts of every County, City, Town,Village,Municipality, School Dist. and your Country and found the TRUTH about government finances?

What if you the Man and Woman is not responsible for any public debt?

What if you the Man and Woman is not required to pay income taxes?

What if every Drivers License is Confirmation of your Slavery?

What if the Man and Woman did not need a license to travel?

What if all law enforcement officers, prosecutors, judges and governments are "ACTING" under a Simulation of LAW using COLOR OF LAW?

What if legal and Lawful did not mean the same thing?

What if a language called legalese is used against you by Policy/Code Law Enforcement Officers, Attorneys, Judges and Courts?

What if you look up COLOR OF LAW and found the truth?

What are we leaving behind for the future generations? A Free World or a World of DEBT SLAVERY?

Something to ponder!!!

I. The Universal Sovereign of the Universe, created American sovereigns in his image.

II. In America, the American sovereigns are endowed, by their Creator, with the unalienable powers

and rights that are superior to any other man-made notion even suggesting of power.

III. We the people are the ultimate and the only legitimate authority.

IV. Fraud vitiates all

V. There is no statute of limitations on the crime of fraud.

VI. Enforcing the law becomes the direct responsibility of the employers for and by whom the agencies of legitimate government were created.

VII. "We the people," are the employers.

VIII. The agencies, the agents and the employees of the agencies are all subservient to the American sovereigns.

IX. This matter was and is settled and nothing except fraud on the people to deceive them by dishonorable public servants has changed.

By the power vested in the sovereign Americans, by the universal Creator of the Universe, the people reserve the right to exercise their full options in establishing and maintaining a just and lawful society. Our founders clearly enumerated this position.



Man props on the legalese. I tip my 🎩 to you, sir. I am with you. The only non violent solutions I can come up with are spreading truth and knowledge, real education, and the withdrawal of our consent to be governed.

When Ron Paul's genius ideas to shrink the government and rethink it's function didn't catch on in 2008, I knew abolishment and anarchy (voluntaryism) are better and more sustainable solutions than the crap they put forth. They oppress and coerce and control and disguise their motivations as protection. We are all we have. We a re many

Thanks peaceful, just so you know i would not call this legalese. That is their language. This is a 'lawful' Declaration. I have this recorded and filed in their court system.

Things are getting hard to understand now that the strawman account thing happened.

Hell yeah man. I never did speak their language. Lol

Upvoted, followed, Promoted & Resteemed as per “” initiative for 0.2 SBD

Awesome post, very well written and 99.9% accurate, the only thing I have to challenge is your use of kings and queens instead of GODS. We are all GODS, we are all above the legislations. Notice I use the correct descriptor, laws apply to all things at all times without fear or favour, Motion, thermodynamics and gravity are true LAWS, anything coming from the terrorists masquerading as government are simply rules of a society given force of law by consent of the governed, and your consent is extracted from the representation of the legal persona.

Now I'm English, and have been living this fight all my life, and I have been through the court system more times than I care to count. The most important thing I have learned from my experiences is that "A Name in Law is nothing more than that by which a something is commonly known" Now bearing in mind that nobody on the planet is commonly known as a "Title, First Name, Last Name" then we start to see the deception in all its glory (possibly a bad choice of word but I'm running with it).

There is no authority over the man without representation of a legal entity, the legal entity that is birthed via the creation of the birth certificates, as you say they own the name as registered, because the legal definition of "registration" = to transfer ownership.

I could debate this topic forever and a day. :D


Upvoted, re$teemed & following!

It is true about corporations and your government. Most people think when interacting with local gov. that it's like what they were taught in school.
It's all inc. Your local council is only a board of directors, Trump is CEO of USA inc. Better learn it.Just about every damn place and property is.
Why when listening to the news or radio you will every so often hear a story started of or closed with "and reporting from unincorporated ( whatevertown )..?
Why the difference? Believe it or not.

One, I'm still a little confused with this. What is it exactly implying?

Thanks for asking. I would ask you research

Here is a quick start

Wish all the best on this journey.


Nice post bro! I am with you, I take the free and peaceful path.

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