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RE: Unconscious Determinants of Free Decisions in the Human Brain

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

It's that final say we have. I have a thousand ridiculous scenarios running through my head in response to every day events. One day I would like to be able to react in many of those ways without consequence. But that's the rub isn't it. It's the potential consequences that define our reactions... Mostly ;0)

There is a certain correlation to be had between real life and online behaviour too. Online people feel free if the structures that normally bind them in situations. Giving them free reign to vent often heinous things without regard for feelings. Done studies and interviews with tools have found them to be relatively normal people. Tis very bizarre.

Damn it's 7am here. I think I need to neuter my brain with some caffeine!!


Havin' some afternoon beer :)

LOL sorry that you had to read such a thing in the morning!

There is a certain correlation to be had between real life and online behaviour too. Online people feel free if the structures that normally bind them in situations. Giving them free reign to vent often heinous things without regard for feelings. Done studies and interviews with tools have found them to be relatively normal people. Tis very bizarre.

I thought stake-based social comms may change this up a little. But anyway, the same person screwin others up online may be a perfectly nice stranger when meeting in person.. lol

Man, I am jealous. It's stupid to be jealous of different time zone beer drinkin! I know what I will be doing straight after work then lol.

I worked with a guy a couple of years ago that was a really funny, intelligent, gentle person. One day we came in and he was getting marched off the premises because he had made the local paper for aggressive trolling of some Scottish celeb woman. I spoke to him later and he said he was just joining in and thought it was a bit of fun. When I read what he wrote however I was like eek, that's not fun that's insane!

Mad world!

I worked with a guy a couple of years ago that was a really funny, intelligent, gentle person. One day we came in and he was getting marched off the premises because he had made the local paper for aggressive trolling of some Scottish celeb woman. I spoke to him later and he said he was just joining in and thought it was a bit of fun. When I read what he wrote however I was like eek, that's not fun that's insane!

Hahah.. sometimes people dont know if they went overboard with the trolling and bullying. I don't think this kinda thing will happen all too often with blockchainbased social media platforms.. unless someone got downflagged.

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