Free Society project announced by Roger Ver - Made possible by Bitcoin - Why this is important

in #freedom7 years ago


I am longing for a place like this

I was introduced to this news by a video I saw on dtube by @lukewearechange that he took while at the Nexus Conference. As a result, I ended up watching a lot of the live stream videos from the Nexus Conference. Learned a lot and took note of some things that I'd like to research more.

At this conference, Roger Ver announced

Essentially, they want to create a "non-country" by purchasing land from an existing country and setting up a Voluntaryist society. A "free zone" to do business and live life in the way that you'd like without interference from government. Where people agree to live by the Non-Aggression Principle.

I've been interested in this kind of thing for a long time. I was really excited about SeaSteading (which Roger mentioned in his presentation) and have longed for a place to go that was more free.

How is this initiative even possible?


Roger talked about how there are a lot of people who have made significant money with Bitcoin who are also Voluntaryists and liberty-minded. It is because of that wealth from Bitcoin and crypto-currencies that this can talked about seriously. They have already pledged over 100 million dollars towards the goal and will likely raise much more.

Overly Optimistic?

Yes, this is the kind of thing that I just want to be true. It is what many of us have hoped for. However, this could happen. Bitcoin and crypto-currencies are changing what is possible.

This was also announced at a significant time. The timing of the announcement makes me pay attention to it. I hope that this is the beginning of an age of peace in the world (that does sound overly optimistic).

However, if this is successfully launched it could become a "city on a hill" that other people look to as an example and freedom and peace could spread. Good ideas aren't kept a secret, as people quickly adopt them if they can.

Would I live there?

I would love to live in a place like this! It does depend a little on where this "non-country" is located. I'll be following this project with interest and I've signed up to get updates on

If this is something you are interested in, I encourage you to also sign up for updates and to talk with people about this idea.

Thanks for reading!

--- @matthewdavid


Great idea, but there's only 6 people on their team. I'll be keeping an eye on it too.

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