Our Dream Life Almost Ended, Before It Had Even Begun!

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)



A 60 ton truck tried squeezing past just as our two lanes merged into one.

As the truck hit the trailer it sent our car right into the path of the oncoming truck, somehow I managed to straighten up just before it was too late and the truck smashed into the wing and wing mirror of the rental car, this then sent us heading towards the ditch but again I somehow kept us on the road.

The truck driver knew he was in the wrong, and I suspect he was drunk because he didn't stop.

There we was at the side of the road, with our dreams and trailer now shattered into pieces.




We were absolutely devastated, not only did we almost get flattened by a truck, but our house was in pieces and as if things couldn't get any worse, the insurance company then tells us we wont get any money back because the hire car was not big enough to tow the trailer.

Even after proving the hire car was big enough, they still refused payment, this trailer cost just under $50.000 and we paid cash so the thought of loosing everything was heartbreaking.

After four agonizing months we finally got some good news! because the truck driver didn't stop we got a payout from a government fund set up for people who are hit by uninsured or hit and run drivers.

They looked at our case and gave us a full pay out!


As you can imagine, after going through such an ordeal your dreams fade some what, we started to wonder if it was such a good idea after all, but me being me (stubborn) I stuck to my guns and knew that this little hiccup was not going to stop us from living a life of Freedom and fun in sun

Within a month of getting the payout we had a new trailer and we have never looked back since.




Hey Mark. great story when it could have been the worst story. My wife @lynncoyle1 and I did that as my cancer was getting bad. We bought a fifth wheel to save on costs since and spend time together. sold everything else. We now are in mexico and this is where I always wanted to be. Honestly we were near broke in canada trying to survive on a disability pension. I would never go back to a house. We love our fifth wheel and will never change. I have little time to waste on earth and so movibg and seeing the world this way works fir us. Again thank you for the read and the pictures brought back many memories

Wow! Beautiful!
Thank you for sharing!
I totally respect and understand your decision to hit the road, I said it just today to a friend,

"We are 90% water. Water is always on the move, and when it's not, it goes stagnant! Old! Green! And Smelly!

Keep on Moving and Living!


"Never give up" an old friend of mine drilled into my head! :) I'm stuck here in Gothenburg in the cold for now but I'm doing a liquid fast at the moment which really gets the energy's moving at least!! ;)


My wife also replied on this. she is my travelling partner lol. @lynncoyle1

Hey mark, I mentioned you in a blog as a thank you. I hope that was alright

I am glad that you had found a way to get paid by the government. You are a very smart fellow and a great family builder. @markwhittam

That's some story man. It felt like my heart was being squeezed reading that. Your plans and dreams nearly come crashing down because of some a*hole of a driver (there are WAY to many of those). Really good sticking to your guns after the insurance company failed to deliver. Why does it not surprise me that they didn't want to pay and find fault at your claim.

I was pleased to hear there's an actual goverment fund for hit-and-run victims and that they fully refunded you so you could continue your life's grand plan. I mean, I know you are living according to your dreams, but didn't know it almost never happened.

Cheers @eqko!

Yeah, I knew before calling that they would try and stiff me! Because it was so new they had no spare parts in circulation, that meant a new trailer which the insurance company didn't want to pay for of course.

And yeah, I was shocked by this government fund, I don't know of any other country than Sweden that has this, and even if they have it, the chances of getting full pay outs must be slim to none!

Thanks for the interaction buddy!

Actually, we have a similar Fund in The Netherlands, called The Guarantee Fund, or Safeguard Fund or somesuch lost in translation fund name. It’s exactly set up for reimbursement of damages when the perp. is unknown. It unfortunately requires two independent witnesses stating there was no damage prior to the one claimed. They can’t be family either. But at least it’s something.

And interaction is where it’s all at man. Upvotes are nice and all, but intelligent comments are even better if you ask me.

what a beautiful home on wheels. my husband and I dream sometimes that, too, somehow go to travel on this. I guess that everyone's ever thought!)) the photos are gorgeous!)

It means that you have been through alot
And remember one thing that dreams didn’t become reality through magic but it takes hardwork determination and you did all this
Keep it up @markwhittam
Good Luck

I’m glad to know that you’re all okay.. lives are more important than cars or houses I would say. They can come again but lives are only here once . You have such a beautiful family , God bless !!

That was such a crazy story, I wonder how you guys felt . It’s like when all hope is gone then God shined light and brought everything back to you

It was a very Grey time for us, but somehow we knew it was right to keep going.

Thanks for stopping by @journeyoflife

Well done Mark! That must have been crushing.. I cant even imagine!

It just goes to show if you don't freak out in life, and persevere you will eventually find justice! You seem to have the knack of this! ;-)

unbelievable story.. even hard to imagine your feelings..
I respect such brave and really FREE people with all my heart.
You are brave not only to have such a dynamic life and never give up, but also just to be yourself and follow your dreams.
Nowadays people are so sticky to their houses, to their way of life, and it's just impossible to shake them and make them change something.
People who are still able to bee free from society rules and stereotypes are worth attention and respect.
I was one of those sticky people not so long, but then (thanks Life) I opened my eyes and saw that Life is much wider than I see it, and it is SO short...
Your example inspires me and shows my choice was right.

an extremely expensive bus, but it's worth it, it's my dream now)

Agreed. Some are very sticky to houses and things. Better to be free from many things.

Thank you for your kind words @taliakerch

Always follow your dreams!

Thank god you and your family are safe and sound Now. Please be careful friend, yes due fault of others some times we have to suffer much. But it is only for the help of great god you are okay now. Thanks for sharing your beautiful pictures of beautiful moments of your life. I always pray for your happiness and safety friend,god bless you friend.

Wow I cannot imagine what you felt when that first happened! Holy Cow, talk about the wind taken out of your sails! Glad you all were ok and it turned out well in the end.

That first picture of your family is So Cute! Like something out of a story book. Look forward to seeing more pics of the tiny house on wheels as it stands now :) My parents have a small RV and I swear that thing gives them so much anxiety on the road. Tiny Home is the only way to go on the road, screw the big RVs. <3

Thank you @mountainjewel!

Yeah! Some of those Rvs are ridiculously HUGE!
but hey! I bet when you get to your destination it's pretty sweet having all that space, that's if you can park it ;)

great story man, love your images here too. you know i got mad love for you and the family! keep on keeping on! that van looked stunning. wow!

Cheers Mate!

Dude! That was a lovely caravan, we lived in it for 2 years and sold it for 2k less than we paid for it. The thing paid for its self!

super nice van, super insane situation but i'm glad the universe sorted you out.

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