
This is amazing. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

You might consider using the tag, #informationwar

Everyone has a opinion about one thing or another, like mine's been I think the release was deliberate. It's not provable but it sure beats two different horseshoe bats merging to make this specific virus then somehow bit an anteater and got sold and eaten from a market nine hundred miles away from where the horseshoe bats are found. Even the reasoning is sound....uprisings in a lot of countries against the globalist agenda and the importation of cheap labor and those movements had to be stopped, they have done invested way to much to let it turn all back around. They've gone this far you can bet they've found a way to cheat in elections to keep the status quo. Mail in ballots would be a fine way to cheat. You can call and ask them if your ballot made it there but it doesn't mean it's the one that went in the machine for counting. They just couldn't allow it to keep spreading, once they defeat it all these measures will go away...and I am not talking about defeating the virus just the movements. In the end science will win out and what they will think of next god knows but you can't keep the will or the spirit of the people down for long.

Transparent, auditable, voting with receipts could be a decent alternative.

Each vote would be regitered with a unique id, something like "87sds8787s7d87ss" so it's "anonymous" and you would get a receipt when you voted, and then you could audit your vote by entering that unique id into a webpage that lists all the votes cast so you could verify that it matched what you actually voted.

But that's really not the only "problem" with "voting".

Click to watch 3 minutes,

That would be a good idea.

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