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RE: DTUBE SNAP #2: children is asking about borders

in #freedom6 years ago

Yes the answer to your question is CULTURE! For example- I am in Japan right now, which was closed off to the world for hundreds of years, as well as being geographically isolated - what comes of this is a unique and highly artistic culture and mode of life. When people move from one country to another they bring THEIR culture with them, and while their culture might be awesome and great , it displaces always the culture that they are moving into - thereby diluting it. Yes and of course countries also want to protect their economies as well. I have had the opportunity to visit Thailand and Japan many times over the past two years - what is the difference between these countries? I love Thailand, and its people and culture, but Bangkok looks like its just been through a 50 year war, there are literal holes in the sidewalk that you could fall into the open sewer, while I have yet to see a single pothole in Japan.. In Thailand people hardly pay attention to traffic signals, and the streets are very dangerous, one of the highest death rate on the highway - in Japan I have NEVER seen someone disobey a traffic signal. In Thailand there are piles of trash everywhere, again very hard to find in Japan. In Thailand its common to walk into a shop and see the three or five employees sitting on the floor eating food and talking - when you ask for help to buy something they slowly get up and shuffle over to maybe help you a Japan there would be one employee who would be the most helpful, friendly, and efficient person you have ever met. So what is the difference? Has Thailand been under some colonial rule or horrible war? No - actually the opposite. The difference is CULTURE. So what would happen if you took half the Thai people and put them in Japan and vice versa. Loss of culture - loss of a peoples soul that took thousands of years to develop. Nothing against Thailand BTW - the people are happy in Thailand and I wouldn't want to see a loos of their culture either. Just food for thought.


Thanks a lot for your detailed and objective answer my friend! I rly appreciate the time you should have taken for it to write down these good examples and your position in this topic.

I agree with you that culture is really important - perhaps the most important "good" we have as human being. Of course it should be saved for the coming generations because of the long development thousands of years before and of all the people who for example died for it before. But I don't think that culture is a clear and an identifiable fixed thing. It is shaped of other cultures and the process of development is a long way with a lot of influences and inspirations which just is possible by exchange and immigration. China used also a lot of influences regarding their culture and also did many annexions of land, goods and more in the old history. (When I am right about this (?))

I speak for myself here as a guy in the country called Germany and this horrible german history is definitely influencing my opinion about the whole topic and my understanding of countries / nations / rights of human beings in general and all the bias playing with in this kind of discussions.

I am not unwilling to listen and learn and I am really thankful for your input! I will use this the next time when this thought is coming in my head!

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