Robbed, held hostage! My Memorial Day weekend story. Forest Service ranger tells me I am a Sovereign Citizen and I crossed the white line!

in #freedom8 years ago

Every year, for about 5 years now, I go to my favorite campsite at a place I call Freedom Valley! It is in the heart of Idaho forests. A very secluded place full of life. Below are pictures of the river and meadows that runs through it.

So I am laying in my hammock enjoying the sun and the sounds of birds and bugs, hungover from the night before and I think damn it is getting kind of late, I should go get more beer before sunset. This was probably around 3 pm, so I slowly get out of my hammock, not really in any hurry but it is about an hour to the closest store, so I needed to leave soon to be back before dark. 

I get to the store and by this time, everyone close by, had pretty much bought all the beer they had except for the real cheap nasty stuff like "Bud Ice" and other "ice" beers. I don't like that shit, I drink IPAs and wheat beers! There was a couple of "Sparks" left, so even though it was way over priced I still bought it, knowing I had another hour of driving to do before the next gas station. 

About a mile or two down the road, I see flashing lights with some truck pulled over. About the time I see this, the truck is pulling away and the cop does a U turn in front of me and pulls off to the side of the road. At this point, I see that it is actually a For00est Service ranger, so I slow down and pull up next to him and ask if all is good or if he was pulling me over? He said no, just turning around. I said ok have a good day but he didn't hear me(my truck is old, loud, and beatup, I only paid $1500 for it)! I repeated myself and said to have a good day. He said," you too" and so I continued on my journey for beer.

I got back on the road, many miles and a half drank Sparks later, I see lights coming for me, I am like what the fuck? Really? I was thinking, he has to be going after someone somewhere down the road, I wasn't speeding, I had the cruise set at 45 mph! (Not that the Fucking Forest Service should be enforcing speed limits in the first place!)

I pull over into a large empty dirt parking area next to the river. It is hot, and I have the AC on and the windows up. I roll my window down a few inches as he walks up. I am thinking why the hell is this guy pulling me over? He has been following me for miles and just said he didn't need to talk to me. I mean really, why would he? He is supposed to be in the forests, not on a hi way. But I was wrong! I had crossed the white line!  


So I am now sitting here, should be sleeping, but can't! Thinking I have to be in court in 9 hours from now! So I will end this in hopes that I can get some rest in! I will hopefully at least get the evidence against me, or the video or audio, from the 5 different officers (Forest Service, Shoshone County Sheriff, and Kellogg city police)  that were there! (I think that it may even have been 6 different "officers"!)

It shall be an interesting trial that is for sure! 

Hope you will like (or not?) my journey through the trial! Please like and share if you feel that jury trials are important!

I will be updating this as I can! :) 

Peace, Love, and Freedom!

Love Michael

Photos of Freedom Valley


For future reference, if you're interested in sticking it to 'em on victimless crimes, check out @marcstevens and the No State Project on

At this point, I am just glad I have not been shot. I have been arrested 3 times since December.

Were those arrests connected to this incident you've written about? Marc Stevens isn't the only person that could help you deal with whatever bureaucratic mess is unfolding here - there's a skype group with quite a few active people that have experience with these situations. It's particularly active on Saturdays when the No State Project goes to air. Just contact Marc to get added as it's a private group.

The prior arrests were for a warrant because I forgot to pay a fine and trespassing on a sidewalk(which was dismissed just a few months ago).
Thanks, I will get in contact with him! Check out the video I posted and let me know what you think.

Can't wait for the police video!

coming very soon!

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