Fighting back against the organized criminal oligarchical plutocracy.

in #freedom4 years ago

Thought for the day... Dr. Scott Jensen, an honest and courageous physician for the past 35 years and a Minnesota state senator, called out corrupt CDC-directed misattribution of deaths to Covid and he gets attacked by the cabal in a kangaroo court procedure that could result in loss of his medical license.

Why? Because the truth he tells contradicts and exposes the official and totally distorted government and mainstream media scamdemic narrative which is being used to usher in an authoritarian system on behalf of psycho plutocrats and their sick control-freak technocrats.

Tyranny has already arrived in Australia and New Zealand, which have recently instituted extremely draconian and totally counterproductive lockdowns, on top of disarming their citizens. The same and much worse is coming to America and Europe if Americans and Europeans don’t recognize their MSM-induced collective brainwashed trance and snap out of it very soon.

In the video, Dr. Jensen describes a conversation with his wife in which she asked “Why did 9/11 bring us together while this is tearing us apart?” That’s a very good question.

My answer: When 9/11 happened, very few people were aware of the fact that most governments and many other key institutions are literally run by a plutocratic organized crime syndicate which routinely engineers false flag attacks and other major deceptions in order to herd the public into accepting pre-planned agendas they would never otherwise go along with... agendas which just happen to hugely increase the wealth, power, and control of the organized criminal plutocracy.

For that reason, for that lack of awareness at the time, the vast majority of people accepted the official story of 9/11... which by the way was a conspiracy theory by definition, orchestrated and promoted on a scale exceeding the biggest Hollywood blockbuster movie by multiple orders of magnitude.

This created an impression of the nation “coming together” to fight the “evil doers”, but since public opinion concerning the event was entirely the result of mainstream propaganda orchestrated in precisely the manner described by master propagandist Edward Bernays, the “coming together” was really more akin to sheep being unwittingly herded by a Shepard who they don’t even know exists.

Now here we are in the rapidly devolving dystopia of 2020, almost nineteen years after the false flag attacks of 9/11, and we’re not “coming together” at all. Most people would understandably cite obvious political divisions as the reason, but that’s very superficial and not particularly useful.

The real reason for division over Covid-19 compared to the “coming together” we experienced after 9/11 is the fact that MUCH larger numbers of people (probably close to half) are now aware or at least suspecting of the fact that government, mainstream media, and other key institutions are run by a plutocratic organized crime syndicate which routinely engineers wars, war triggering events, and other crimes against humanity with the goal of ever increasing wealth, power, and control.

Their ultimate objective is Total Control over everything and everyone: all territory, all land, all water, all food production, all energy use, all other resources, and total control over the human herd... which the plutocrats intend to turn into a bioengineered and contented slave class, as many prominent elites such as Aldous Huxley and Bertrand Russell predicted in complete seriousness.

The oligarchs and their technocrats are remarkably open about most of this, particularly in their discussions of the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” and UN Agenda 21. Up until recently they’ve been emphasizing “terrorism” and the “climate catastrophe” as a means of frightening the populace into accepting more authoritarian rule and the end of human freedom... but those tactics weren’t working well enough.

So it was decided more than ten years ago that they needed something else with which to terrify the sheeple into compliance... and that something was the spectre of scary bio-agents and deadly pandemics. This was discussed at length in a 2010 report from the Rockefeller Foundation which included the so-called “Lock Step” scenario (what’s happening this year is almost a perfect match... gosh, what a coincidence) and in an incredibly revealing 2019 report from the WHO. Links for both reports below... downloading and reading them is highly recommended.

Here’s the PDF of the Rockefeller Foundation report from 2010. Of course ridiculous “debunking” and conspiracy denial operations like Snopes (and mainstream media outlets) dismiss such reports if they cover them at all, but just go to page 18, read about the Lock Step scenario, and tell me it’s all just a coincidence.

Here’s a very revealing September of 2019 report from the WHO and their “Global Preparedness Monitoring Board”... please read this and tell me it’s all just a coincidence.

Bottom line: the current “pandemic” is actually a fully engineered plandemic and scamdemic designed to terrify the public into accepting MUCH more authoritarian rule. Parts of the new authoritarian system have already been implemented in the US, and it’s much worse in Australia and New Zealand.

As proven by the “Patriot Act” and the “War on Terror” which never ends, if we allow the various authoritarian measures which have been imposed on us to become firmly established, there is no turning back and we are headed for much worse... a full blown global authoritarian tyranny, initially predicated on medical martial law and fabricated, totally over-hyped public health issues.

What’s been accomplished so far as a result of way too much public acquiescence is an unprecedented level of authoritarian overreach, which already includes most of the following: totally unnecessary and counterproductive lockdowns, intentional crashing of the economy, intentional destruction of small business and the middle class, increased concentration of market share and wealth in the hands of corporate giants and the super rich, forced testing with totally unreliable tests, mandatory forced quarantine, hyper surveillance, contact tracing, social credit scoring, travel restrictions, all sorts of other restrictions, mandatory vaccination with unnecessary, inadequately tested, dangerous vaccines provided by huge plutocrat-owned corporations which have blanket immunity from vaccine injury lawsuits, and dramatically increasing attacks on the First Amendment in the form of authoritarian censorship of dissenting opinion.

What’s described in the previous paragraph (most of which is already a reality, and the rest of which soon will be a reality if the psychos get their way) has happened in just 6 months. In just half a year, we have been marched down the path to a full blown fascist authoritarian tyranny, and at least half the nation has no clue whatsoever.

Moreover, if these measures are allowed to stand without challenge, things will get MUCH worse. It is essential to face this reality. Resist the temptation to escape it as a result of cognitive dissonance, and don’t commit the cardinal intellectual sin of dismissing it as a “conspiracy theory”... IT’S ALREADY A REALITY, standing right in front of you, slapping you in the face. Stop pretending that it doesn’t exist or that it isn’t pure evil.

The reason it will get worse is because with each new authoritarian measure becoming normalized, there will be less and less possibilty of fighting back... it’s a classic slippery slope. On top of that, once the authoritarian control structure has been well established by way of medical martial law, the plutocratic cabal will rekindle the old excuses of “terrorism” and “climate catastrophe” to justify even more authoritarian crackdowns... at which point democracy and anything remotely resembling human freedom will be gone forever.

In closing, the unprecedented political division which is now so obvious – and which most people see as a negative – is actually a positive. When the cabal foisted 9/11 on us, approximately 99% of the public was still asleep and accepted the official story without a thought. This resulted in a sense of “unity” based on a massively false narrative, which led to the Patriot Act and the “War on Terror”... now the longest and most expensive war in US history, entirely based on lies, with no end in sight.

But today, somewhere in the range of 40% to 50% of the public is fully awake or at least in the process of waking up... waking up to the reality that government, mainstream media, and many other key institutions are literally controlled by an organized criminal oligarchy which is hell bent on creating a global authoritarian tyranny which will be permanent and impossible to challenge once it’s fully implemented.

Their latest engineered mega scam and crime against humanity is the plandemic, and it’s many times bigger and more damaging than 9/11. But the most important difference this time around is that a huge percentage of the public knows it’s scam, and that awareness materialized very soon after the start of the plandemic. That has contributed to a sense of “division”, but this is actually good news... it means there’s a possibilty to fight back, which did not exist in the wake of their previous mega scam, 9/11.

What we need now is for the 40% or 50% who are awake or partially awake to increase to 70% or 80%, and we need everyone who is awake or at least beginning to recognize the lies and criminality of the cabal to participate in making this happen.

Humanity is now at a crossroads, perhaps the most important in history. If enough of us choose the right path, the organized criminal cabal which controls government and other major institutions – and which seeks to own and control everything and enslave humanity – can be exposed and eradicated. If we choose the wrong path, then the dystopias imagined by Huxley and Orwell will look like a picnic.

We all need to face up to this and do our part to stop the enslavement of humanity, if not for ourselves, then for younger generations who had no fault in allowing things to get as bad as they are now. It has to be stopped, starting right now.

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