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RE: Why You Should Stop Complaining about "The Government"

in #freedom8 years ago

Again. "The goverment" is made out of people. Governance is the wish of the free market if you want to put it in libertarian lingo. Calling this the root of the problem while humanity has reached such a spectacular state in this time and age compared to the past is massively erroneous.

The individual humans that act on behalf of "government" have assumed that they in fact have a right to command or compel others to act in certain ways that they deem "beneficial" for the rest of society.

They have the right because the free market, the majority has gave them that right. In an an-cap society much the same path will be taken. Check Steemit for example. Not much of a difference. Those who have the power call the shots.

The problem with the existing governments today is the very nature of their assumed authority - that it is coercive, and violently so

So what? The majority wants this. This is why they approve. If we can't handle it then we should live. Complaining about it is pointless. It is a problem for you my friend. It is not a problem for billions of others. So in reality the problem only exists in your mind. It is not a problem from their own perspective. Many anarchists have a hard time digesting this simple reality.

But we cannot dismiss the harm of the state simply because it's a fictional entity.

Even if WE can't the majority doesn't care. They approve. Ethics are subjective and defined by given groups of people. They are neither universal nor set in stone.

It's able to function the way it does because the inanities of its claims are not more widely denounced. We can identify and condemn the absurdity of its logical propositions while simultaneously denouncing the actions of the individual agents working on its behalf, under those logical fallacies.

There are no real logical fallacies from their part. They have the power, they do as they wish. That's their logic. They set the rules. They decide what is wrong and what is right. You are free to make your own society somewhere else and dictate your own rules. Even here in Steemit same thing applies. You can dictate the logical fallacies of fat whales, their dodgy ethics, favouritism, yada yada yada but at the end of the day, even if you have 1000 followers it doesn't matter because a single whale can dictate your actions, even how you behave here in teemit. Reality is harsh my friend. All this intellectualism doesn't really cut it.

We need to ridicule those who believe that violence under the state's authority is acceptable - and to ridicule the very notion of the state in the first place.

Well surely wan, much like I ridicule shady an-caps like TDV, ex cops and ex convicts that found it useful to use the libertarian and an-cap ideology to suit their own shortcomings. I don't want to be associated with scumbags like these guys so I critisize them.

It doesn't matter if its stupidity. You can't go against masses rulled by what you assumed to be stupidity. We have to accept this. Even here in the crypto world most of them are scammers, crooks and criminals trying to get away from their shady past, not because they embrace the philosophical qualities of anarchism. Let's get real for a while shall we? Profit is the main goal for every human. They will lie, steal, con and even kill people to take it. Arguing philosophically about it is pointless. Complaining about it is childish.

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