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RE: Free society - How strong is the case?

in #freedom8 years ago

"Now all this sounds very wonderful, but this can only work if all of us have the ability to live in peace and agree to all the rules."

What are the rules? Common-sense Moral Truth that can be understood with greater depth of comprehension into soci-cooperative reciprocal concerns for others as well as ourselves, and not only our own self-interest, self-concern.

"survival of the fittest", like your Darwin quote says, means survival of those most able to adapt to change. It has NOTHING to do with strength, power, etc. Fit is adaptability to change. The most fit are the smallest biological life-forms, bacteria, which can adapt to many harsh environmental changes. The CHANGE that needs to happen, is to change, evolve, heal, and better ourselves towards higher, truer, realer moral potentials of living.

Moral Truth is the key. People to to learn, learn how to learn, and learn how to think more effectively to unferstand moral truth in greater degrees an depths. Truth needs to be sought after, cared for, and not compromised.

Not enough people actually want to seek truth, and learn. 99.99% of people do not. They just want to have fun after they go to work, and escape into various entertainments and intoxication. People need to wake up an evolve, that's how change is going to happen, when we each decide to change and get onto the path of moral truth and walk it in life.

Take care. Peace.


Thanks for your reply @krnel. Love your argument an I believe we are taking steps in the right direction to free society if we start speaking about Moral Truth. The question however: What is the definition of moral truths? Can this be explained to everybody in the society, and more importantly is there an absolute definition for Moral Truths that will work for everybody in the society, and will this be accepted by all of us from different religious and cultural backgrounds. I think I am one of the 0,01% that loves to learn :)

Yes, there is. It involved more complexity as you understand how our actions affect others. It is basically: do no harm, do the least harm you can, survival is not a justification for harm to make something moral it would still be immoral, don't steal, don't violate the other's freedom life of peace. Apply that as far as you can. Probably some more specific way, or some nuances to add, but essentially that's what I cam up with in 1 minute. :)

Take care. Peace.

Thanks @krnel . I will do some research and post about this subject as I believe this can be something worthwhile to discuss in more depth. Still believe that various cultural backgrounds will not all subscribe to the same Moral Truths... Just look at the following statement One countries freedom fighter is another countries terrorist... Like your comments by the way!

Study more, especially the "infection" of moral relativism. Then once you figure that, that its complete BS, then you can move forward. If you still accept moral relativism, then you can't move forward, and you can't figure it out because you will be blinded.

Here is a post that you may learn from: Statism requires the root of all evil; moral relativism.


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