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RE: Machinery of Freedom - Ask questions like a young child

in #freedom8 years ago

ooops hope your not a flat-earther.../

However, I LOVE this post and I also intend to do this subject, because my middle nam,e is 'ask questions'. Not as in because you will get THE answer and that's that. More so the very flow/play/intelligence OF questioning is the verbal living action. It is never-ending because life is mysterious. Authoritarians HATE questioning because they are all about building rigid toxic dead structures means to stifle any creativity

About the round Earth. it helps to be aware of all the available evidence that reveals totally the Earth is round, and the originators of the absurd belief itself which were the Freemasons!

Christians will go on, and on, and...on about 'Jesus'. But question them and ask where is the historical evidence for this character? What they give is not evidence
Same is so for Muhammad, so-called prophet of Islam, and even Gautama Siddharta, the so-called Buddha. Once you question this it doesn't mean you become some hard-nosed deadened materialist, because you question that and its scientism also!

Questioning is living, is liberating, is freedom~~~


no I'm not a flat earther. why would you say such a thing? I was born in Plainview texas. It's flat there, everything is in "Plain View", no trees, no mountain, no hills, no rivers, nothing to hide behind. You can see things a long ways off. All the the way to the horizon actually.. If you are six foot tall that's about see three miles.
For an observer on the ground with eye level at h = 5 ft 7 in (1.70 m), the horizon is at a distance of 2.9 miles (4.7 km). For an observer standing on a hill or tower 100 feet (30 m) in height, the horizon is at a distance of 12.2 miles (19.6 km).
Therefore: When I climbed on top of something tall (a grain elevator), or the top of the tallest building in town. I could see farther, in fact I could see the next town over, quarter way. which is half way to halfway which is half way to Olton which is twenty five miles a way.
I could also see edmonson, Kress and other places near by.

. How else could that happen unless were are living on a sphere?

Flat Earthers are willfully ignorant people.

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