Wrong View & What is Freedom?

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

There are two kinds of freedom (tự do). The first is ability (có khả năng), the second is permission (sự cho phép). Did you see the View on ABC? Did you see what she said to Hillary Clinton? Now, she is fired.

Ability Freedom is all about what you can do, what you are able to do which comes through our choices (lựa chọn), our decision (phán quyết), in what we choose to do, in what we want, desire, lust, love, seek.

Permission Freedom (liberty) is all about what we are allowed (cho phép) to do in what is legal (hợp pháp) according to law and in morality (đạo đức) in what authority, government, parents, God, the universe, lets us do. Permission is all about prerogative (đặc quyền) in what you have the right to do. We can choose to do what we want, not what we feel.

NO DACA UN TPP NAFTA NATO OBAMA-CARE FDA IRS ROTHSCHILD SOROS NWO CIA MSM CFR BLM EU AMNESTY WELFARE SHARIA - build walls - America First: we want less taxes and less government:
2017-09-21 Thursday 11:51 PM MDNH HCM:

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