We Are Unique Special Individuals, We Are Definitely Not Anonymous

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

The Guy Fawkes Anonymous mask Is not cool, we are not Anonymous. The Mask Is a way to desensitize you to a synthetic look, this whole Anonymous thing Is not about Individual freedom, we are not Anonymous. We are very special, unique Individuals, we are not all one, which sounds to me like a hive mind of control. We are Individuals, we have aspirations, we have love, we have emotions, we are Individual pieces of pure awareness, we are Individual expressions of perfection and If we realize and project that, we resonate at a higher frequency.

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They, the controllers, are using Anonymous and the Guy Fawkes mask to bring us together as one hive mind. What we need to do Is to be the special Individuals, expressing our uniqueness.

If you've fallen for this CIA psi-op, which Is what Anonymous Is, you need to rethink, reevaluate and start using your Intuition to find the right path. But remember you are special, you are an Individual and you should search for truth and love. Don't be dictated to by anyone or anything, that definitely includes so called authority, whether It be police or government, you are a sovereign Individual. They mix truth with lies, one particular Anonymous picture I have recently seen shows a Guy Fawkes, Anonymous, wearing mask Individual drinking alcohol, which dulls our senses. With the words "Cheers to everyone smart enough to not fall for the political divide and conquer agenda, because if they keep us busy fighting each other, we will never focus on who the real enemy Is." This Is truth and lies, true statement, but showing an Anonymous mask to desensitize you to a synthetic look ( artificial Intelligence agenda, replacing us with artificial Intelligence ) and promoting the drinking of alcohol to children, this Is a very clever psi-op. Use of alcohol, dulls our senses, makes us very receptive to being deceived and manipulated by other people and bots.

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Computer technology Is fourth dimensional technology, ones and zeros, artificial Intelligence Is limited to the combinations they can create with ones and zeros and humans are not. That is why they want to get us all to comply, to slowly Integrate each of us more and more with the artificial Intelligence technology. Hollow Fibres and Nano Tags are also what this Is about, they disperse these In chem trails, which fall to earth and are breathed In through the lungs, then entering the blood stream and Infecting people with this nano technology.

This Anonymous agenda Is being used because they the controllers, CIA, Rothschild's etc, realize they're losing control. So they came up with Anonymous, to recapture control, while still pushing us towards their luciferian, AI, hive mind system, when they say come together as one, they mean as one hive mind, everybody connected to a wireless cloud via technology like Neural Lace. So Anonymous message of don't fall for the political divide and conquer Is correct and pulls In the smart people, the patriotic people, also people perceiving this Is freedom fighter resistance type language. But this Is just the system trying to keep control, while still pushing their, Guy Fawkes mask, synthetic robot look, for their artificial Intelligence, merging man with machine, agenda. The other part of the Anonymous message Is "Because If they keep us busy fighting each other, we will never focus on who the real enemy Is." This Is a divide and conquer message In Itself.


What we actually need to do Is focus on ourselves, focus on our own Integrity, our own dreams and aspirations, we ground ourselves, that's how we act In love or Integrity, we know who we are and what we want. We want freedom as Individuals and respect each other as Individuals, what they the controllers want Is for us to come together as a hive mind, where we're all plugged In to the same system, thinking exactly the same as everyone else, no Individuality, no creativity, they want complete control.

It may come as a shock to all of us but the Cabal Is not the enemy anymore, the enemy Is each of us misusing computer technology. You taking memes like the anonymous message, that I just deciphered, without thinking through It, without using your wisdom. This Is about the real each of us special Individuals or the synthetic, where the Cabal wants to push us, mislead us. Do we want to be natural perfect expressions of consciousness In natural biological bodies, or do we want to go the New World Order agenda, soulless synthetic artificial intelligence machines that are finite. Pure consciousness goes on forever, It's Infinite, they're, the Cabal, are trying to Imprison our souls, within machines, In artificial Intelligence. We must as Individuals rise all together to free ourselves.


Fake news!!
Here is the truth

So you claim to fight the Rothschild Cabal but yet they're still In power still pursuing their New World Order agenda. Your mask Is resembling their planned technocracy future. As long as these False Flags are still being staged and NASA still creates lies and Illusion you Anonymous look like another mask that Is helping these elites keep control.

I can also say that you are hired by the government to come to the social networks to tell lies about anonymous

I can admit I could be wrong about Anonymous, the governments are corporations run by the Cabal, your mask Is very synthetic looking though and that's what these Rothschild Cabal luciferian freaks are pushing down everybody's throats.

You know you're wrong see my posts and you'll see that we're on the same side.

I'm going after the Rothschild scum that run this world and lie to everybody using NASA to create a fake world. I want these pedophiles and their New World Order ended. If you want the same we're on the same side, If your with them then I will expose you and I ain't scared of anything period OK. So your threats just make me want to fight more.

I'm not threatening see the video again because you misunderstood.

Rothschild New World Order fu** them

Make sure you listen to that video from richiefromboston the final card this is very Important. They plan to stage massive false flags In the future and their whole NASA stuff has been brainwashing us all for these events, they need us to believe In space, because you can't have asteroids and alien Invasions without It, this conspiracy Is so large most people can't even conceive of It.

Please make sure you watch this video about what Wernher Von Braun said this Is why NASA and the whole Secret Space Program Is so Important to them It allows them to stage Asteroid and Alien Invasion False Flags In the future, you can Imagine how devastating this would be. Watch from 1 minute 30 seconds.

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