The Ashke-Nazi Jews & Jesuits Are The Real NazissteemCreated with Sketch.

in #freedom7 years ago

The vast majority of people In the world have been brainwashed, through the media and TV programming, to think that the Nazis were the German Army during World War II. The truth Is that this word 'Nazi' was a derogatory term thought up by the Jewish Bankers/Rothschilds who are the real Nazis - Ashke-Nazi Jews. The fact that most people, Including many In the truth movement, continually refer to the Germans during World War II as Nazis shows just how deep the brainwashing goes. Please look this up yourself, many of us real truthers who have looked In to all of this properly know this Is the case, you can't pick and choose your truth like many shills In the alternative media, the truth stands on Its own. These Ashke-Nazi, Jewish, Communists use a Saul Alinsky tactic of labeling and projecting their crimes on to their enemy's.

These demonic people Rothschilds/Jesuit Cabal who are at the very top of Banking and Freemasonic Lodges and Secret Societies were the very evil behind World War II. These people are Freemason Communists who worship Lucifer and are part of a Saturn Cult. They are the very people that own and control the FED, CIA, UN and NATO, they own whole country's and governments like the US, they control the Congress and the Senate and through the Birth Certificates, Security Bonds, own the Individual Citizens who are also Corporations under Maritime Admiralty Law, that's where you get the word Corpse, a defunct Corporation.

These Jewish Bankers/Jesuits manufactured World War II by funding the German Army via the Vatican Jesuits and the Bush Family. In 1936/37 Adolf Hitler turned on the Cabal and closed down all the Freemasonic Lodges and Secret Societies and threw all the Freemasonic Cult members In prison/work camps. It Is my strong contention that Hitlers fatal mistake was not realizing that the Vatican/Jesuits were playing both sides and were conspiring against Germany. They had Infiltrated the German Army and many of the top German Scientists were member's of the Knights Of Malta which Is a Secret Society of the Vatican. As the war drew to a close the vast majority of these highly Intelligent National Socialists were smuggled out of Germany by the Vatican and the OSS, which Is now the CIA, via Operation Paperclip.

The proper gander about Herr Wolf ( Adolf Hitler ) Is never-ending and In recent years an 'Israeli film crew' tried to create the Impression that Adolf and Eva Brown had been smuggled In to South America with the other National Socialists. The problem with this hypothesis Is that the great respected, revisionist, historian David Irving thoroughly disputes any claims of this. He through his honest factual work gained the respect of an SS officer, Otto Günsche, and David was the first Westerner Otto had trusted enough to tell his testimony of Hitlers final moments. Otto would not speak to any other Western Historians because of the his-story of lies and proper-gander. He told David that he trusted him because he was the Englishman that had written the book about Dresden. David Irving wrote his books using only Information he could verify from factual documents and testimony. Otto Günsche told David Irving that Hitler had told him to go and find two hundred litres of gasoline because he and Eva Brown were going to commit suicide at three o'clock that afternoon, Adolf stated: "We will be leaving this life." Otto was told: "It Is your job to come In to the room ten minutes after you hear the shots fired and make sure that we're dead." "If I'm not dead or she's not dead, I command you to finish us off." "Then you are to carry us up In to the garden and cremate us so the Russians find nothing." Otto Günsche told David Irving this In great detail and David retained a tape recording of this Interview.

Anyone that wants to argue the above point on the grounds Hitler wouldn't have the fortitude to commit suicide. It Is a point of fact that Adolf Hitler was a World War I war hero, with multiple medals for bravery. He had been awarded an Iron Cross Second Class and also the highest decorated honour of an Iron Cross First Class. He was a runner during World War I, a highly dangerous job, who delivered Important messages to the front line. In total Herr Wolf was awarded six war medals, that he earned during his brave combat In World War I. This man fought In war, he was not Installed by anyone, he fought his way In to power and was one of the very few leaders that was self made through sheer courage, fortitude, hard work and Indomitable Spirit.


Hitler received the Iron Cross both second and first class and that along with his 'wound badge' were what he wore most often. They were awarded for bravery and the 'wound badge' was for his gassing during WWI. The Iron Cross was awarded by his superior officer on the front, who happened to be from Prussia.
In August 1918 Hitler received his fifth and sixth medals, one was the 'Military Service Medal,' 3rd Class, for outstanding service. The other ( recognizing his special mission to notify the artillery to advance their fire, plus other previous acts of bravery ) was one of his highest distinctions to which a common soldier could aspire. On Aug 4th, 1918, Hitler was awarded the Iron Cross, 1st Class, 'for personal bravery and general merit.'
This was an uncommon decoration for a soldier of Hitlers rank, since It was normally reserved for officers. Hitler was one of the very few common soldiers of World War I to be awarded the Iron Cross, 1st Class, of the 11 million men mobilized for the German Army during World War I, only 163,000 first class Crosses were awarded during the war and only a handfull went to enlisted men.
The awarding of the Iron Cross was Initiated and presented by his Battalion Adjutant First Lieutenant, Hugo Gutmann. The Iron Cross was to be worn on the left side of the chest and If one had been awarded a medal for 'wounded' ( black ) It was to be worn under the Iron Cross. Hitler seldom wore any of his other medals but when he wore these two, he wore them with pride for the rest of his life - he knew he had earned them.
Adolf Hitler earnt the respect of the other soldiers and his peers and through hard work and tremendous courage earnt his place as a legend In history, 'Herr Wolf.'



Hi - I just read your article on "join the militia" - from 9 mos ago. I just listened to all of Mark Passio's podcasts over the last 2 years and am finally ready to take some action- however looking into my militias online I am not sure they are to be trusted. I would think they would have been active BY NOW if they were still of the "people" and not of the "police". I am going to do some research and go talk to some people to try to find out where the real militia is - possibly NOT online.

You've been listening to someone In Mark Passio who really understands what we are dealing with. It's very positive that you are now ready to take action, I'm not In the US but I can tell you that If the US dosn't wake up soon It will be too late. The new 5G which Is Miiary Grade Milimetre wave technology that was used against the Iraqi soldiers In 2003, has to be the line In the sand for all of us. This technology Is being put In place for complete control of all of us. So my advice Is to get active now, learn how to use firearms proficiently and safely and then get educated on 5G, because this technology can literally put everyone to sleep before they come and take your guns, or It could just be used to make everyone start shooting each other, we are In very Important times. peace.

I had a feeling there was something like that going on. Thanks for letting me know.
I will work on it...

I was thinking about writing on this, but then I came across your post. Really Good job! Feels good to know there are still some people who can figure this out in great detail. But you might want to think a little more before writing about the Khaz-Aryans Jesuits, The hidden group of RH- Jews within the Ashkenazi community and how they control international finance, media, etc. because everything is under surveillance and you don't want your name on the list of potential dissidents especially if you are living in USA or Europe.

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