Morgellons Disease, Nano Tags & Smart Dust

in #freedom7 years ago

Stage 1, Morgellons Disease, Nano Tags:

In the United States and Europe planes are spraying the air thick with Chem-Trails, within these clouds of poison are many different kinds of metals and chemicals. Independent testing of these Chem-Trails have revealed a toxic mix of substances like: aluminum, barium, nano aluminum coated fiberglass, radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, ethylene dibromide, polymer fibers and Nano Tags ( or what most people refer to as Morgellons Disease. )

In these Chem-Trails are Hollow Fibres, self replicating hollow fibres that are there to read out the light fingerprint of your DNA, transform It In to an electromagnetic radio signal, that Is detectable via satellite and ground stations. This Is what researchers have found out by analyzing Information gathered by Chem-Trail research communities, In the United States. These fungus like fibres are Infecting the human body ( sometimes you can see them at night by taking a UV lamp and shining It In to the rain, If they've been spraying you will be able to see the fibres floating around In the air. ) When the air has been heavily sprayed these fibres are glowing under a UV light, billions of fibres airborne.
These fibres are not visible In normal light and people are regularly breathing these fibres In. 95-99% of the people Infected with these fibres show no symptoms, nothing special happens because your biology's keeping the fungus population low In your body. They just function as a plasmodic antenna to send out a signal, but you don't get sick from It.
It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that over 90% of the population of Europe Is Infected with It, It's not a big deal, It's not dangerous as long as the body can handle these things. Some of the peoples Immune systems can not handle these hollow fibres, then the hollow fibres ( massila ) start to grow In the body. They multiply quickly and at a certain point their extracted via the skin and you can see that they move. They have this ability to collect colours, you have blue Morgellons and you have red Morgellons. Nobody knows where these colours come from because they are of technical origin, It's not a natural substance. So you can see when the skin ( pores ) are opening, you can see them under the microscope. If you make blood analysis you can see that the blood Is Infected, and you can let them go artificially In a petri dish. If you look at them under a microscope you can see that they're a little bit more complex than a simple fungus. They have kind of organs Inside and little red stem cells of unknown species that are self replicating as well. The fibres produce other structure like sporing body, like when a mushroom Is forming a fruiting body, then from the fruiting body you expect spores from the next generation. So this seems to be the containment for the spores, If you put this Into the petri dish, you can see the next generation growing. Other things you find Is fragments of Insect skin being extracted from a Morgellon victim. So something from this disease Is making Insect parts, so Insects grow In the human body.

Stage 2, Advanced Psycho-tronic Weapons:

In 2003, the US Invaded Iraq and according to many high level people this was only done for the purpose of testing this new system. In that war they used microwave weapons that gave the Iraqi soldiers the feeling that their skin was burning. Not because the microwaves had the Intensity to make the skin burn, but because the RNA was triggered to cause the sensation of burning. They tested all other parts of this new system: Psycho-tronic Weapons, make them give up by Inducing them to give up by causing them to believe god was telling them to, or make them fall In love with the American soldiers, there was a long list of psycho-tronic functions they could use. With these weapons systems they could also make them sick, give them cancer, kill them In one year, six months or six seconds If they wanted.

Stage 3, Morgellons Disease, Nano Tech, RNA, Smart Dust:

Ten billion US dollars, or half a year to optimize the glass-topology technology. If Its only about Infecting humans with a virus like synthetic RNA, glass-topolgy starts to become an Interesting topic. If this RNA cluster Is supposed to carry a soul, only then a soul or artificial intelligence. This makes you think they are Indeed attempting to turn people Into bio robots. RNA cluster within the air, spray It In the air with a defined distance from RNA to RNA and within the human body the same RNA cluster Is prolonged within the cells. Now whatever Is carried by these clusters, the artificial Intelligence the program or a soul, how whatever this Is can travel from the smart dust Into the human being and this Is what they call smart dust.
Morgellons forms Its own neural network Inside of the body. Morgellons Nano Techs trans-humanist technology to extract light from the human body and turn In to a radio signal to read out what happens within the human. Opposite way to Invert light, radio frequency to the human to make him feel whatever you want to make him feel. If you take this Morgellons concept, If you take the Nano Crystals concept and If you take all the other technology's within this article. Then you look In to some Internal papers of NASA. In an Internal NASA document that wasn't meant to be published titled: Future Strategic Issues For Warfare, Projecting To The Year 2025, big subtitle: Future Is Now. If you look through this document you find the concept of:
Sum Sensus Swarm ( Smart Dust ) you find Nano Techs ( Identical Morgellon Function ) and you find co-opted Insects.
So some where In the American Intelligence community, seems to be black magic Inspired, CIA, Office Of Naval Intelligence.

Stage 4, Conclusion:

NASA knows all the components It's Interlocked In the United States, In Silicon Valley you have three big buildings,one Is Singularity University, founder of this Is Ray Corsville, who Is screaming In Interviews about sending nano bots to other planets to harvest energy and matter to multiply the overall Intelligence of the human machine civilization.
Ray Corsville when asked If there was a God that exists, replies " not yet " Trans-humanist Headquarters is Google head quarters where he Is now head developer. On the other side of the University Is NASA headquarters, the organization that Is certifying the plans to spray.
So all these members of this black brotherhood even sit In the sane street. Most people think their fairly safe but that's because they don't understand the consequences, are most people hive programmed already? Some people do understand the consequences though, I'm certain the Russians do. The spraying of military compounds which would of meant losing the harvest and falling under Monsanto. They decided to stop spraying and the NSA, In the US, realized the CIA Is a black magic outfit and at least parts of the NSA are still looking out for American Interests and human Interests. Maybe a reaction to realizing that whatever Is happening the CIA Is following demonic forces. The NSA downed Evergreen International, the CIA spraying airliner and shut It down, but unfortunately Chem-Trails are still going on at an unprecedented level.
If the CIA wants to send troops to Syria or Iran and start World War III, and they are blackmailing members of Congress, so they vote accordingly. The NSA's only option Is to stop the money getting through.
To finish the article I would like to say that this ongoing evil agenda by the worlds elite and the attempting merger of artificial Intelligence with mankind must be stopped, there Is an evil artificial Intelligence based alien presence on Earth that Is attempting to enslave mankind at the very least and at worst steal peoples very souls, while In the meantime destroying the beautiful Earth we all live on.


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