If You're In United States, Join a Militia Now

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

This Is an urgent message to all of you that understand the position and stakes the United States Is In. Your government without Trump Is your enemy, If he's taken down or If he doesn't kick out the Rothschild's bankers, take them out and take back your country. Anyone on the side of this Zionist evil, FED, CIA, CNN, all MSM, Hollywood Google, Facebook are controlled by the Rothschild Cabal through the UN, weaponizing the Information against the American people. The United States Is a Privately Owned Company, It Is a Corporation and Is controlled financially through the Federal Reserve which Is not owned by the US. The IRS answers to the IMF and they are controlled by the United Nations. Go and take a look how when your birth Is registered and your birth certificate Is Issued, how your Identity Is stolen, your treated like merchandise and sold on the security's exchange. Read up on the work people like Mike Adams, The Health Ranger are doing, the vaccines are being used to administer poisons Into American children, dumbing them down, so they can't even think enough to realize they're being enslaved.

Now Is the time to act, join a militia group why you still have time to train, now Is the time to fight back and take the evil UN New World Order out of your country. In order to be free we must stand up against tyranny. As long as the United States Is an owned corporation Its people will not be free. Your people and your resources are being used for an evil agenda, which Is against freedom. There Is no point existing without freedom, because It's all we really have. Freedom Isn't free you have to fight for It.

Realize your enemy United Nations, Rothschild's, get angry, very angry, join a militia, get focused, then get armed, go and get well trained and take action, take your country back. It's now or never and before you go In to this battle pray for Jesus's protection.


Steemit is actually an attempt to route around the big banksters and create a separate economy that could allow people to depend less on loans, USD and interest oriented securities, WallStreet.

Think about it; every time you use USD, you back the banks... every time you invest in steem, you create new opportunities for community without banks.

Dan is very outspoken about this, and I think his vision is most practical, so it's strictly non-violent, until you have a gun in your face, that is..

Upvoting ur own comments... Really... Just think once about steemers like us... U r an angel to us...

Well said surfyogi. This is a revolution.

However the general idea of your post is not bad and if possible everyone should unite against the Federal Reserve cartel and the Rothschilds Banking Cartel.When I mean unite with everyone that includes people whom we might disagree with such as AntiFa.Only if the people unite,can we make significant change.
Also another move that can bring tremendous change against the Establishment would be to start campaigns against surveillance cameras,online surveillance and all forms of surveillance in your local community.Get informed on Agenda 21 and be vigilant against the dystopian vision of "Smart Cities"

Trump is controlled opposition towards the Rothschilds.Trump supports the Rothschilds owned State of Israel.And he has called whistleblower Chelsea Manning who exposed the Iraq War as nothing more than genocide as a "an ungrateful traitor".
He also called for the execution of Edward Snowden:

Trump also said he is on "the same wavelength as most of the intelligence community"

If you read my post I stated If Trump doesn't kick the Rothschild's Cabal out the United States then the Patriots and the Militia will have to do It themselves. I believe In Pure Consciousness, peace and all that but at the end of the day we're In a physical system and the only way you're going to remove criminals Is with force.

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