Exposing George Webb, Jason Goodman Possible Deep State Operatives

in #freedom7 years ago

There have recently been alternative media journalists and platforms that are looking like they could be Deep State operatives.

A couple of these people who are suspected of being planted within the alternative media, YouTube community, by the Deep State are George Webb and Jason Goodman.

Now It must be stated that George Webbs Investigation of the Seth Rich case and his work on this subject has been excellent, he has very quickly drawn a large following. What concerns many of us who are genuinely looking for the truth of what Is going on and looking for a way out of the matrix we find ourselves within, Is George Webb Is now acting very unprofessional, drinking wine on on his videos and being arrested while under the Influence.

I recently watched two videos of YouTubers, truthseekers, I trust a great deal SGTReport.com, who has been doing this work for about a decade and RichieFromBoston, who has been on YouTube about four years. They both were questioning Webb's credibility and whether he Is genuine or not. There are many others now who are also starting to look very suspiciously at Webb and Goodman. Many of us are sensing a plan to stage an event or a series of events like the Pizza gate shooting, to de-legitimize the Alt media, to try and shut down our populist movement on the Internet.

I personally see the Comet Pizza, false flag, shooting as the start of a serious attempt to label all alternative media as fake news, censor and take people off the net. I also see the three false flags, labelled terrorist attacks, In Britain as a pre planned movement by the Rothschild Cabal, Deep State, to shut down the Internet, YouTube truth channels, Alternative Media and people like myself spreading truth and fighting this cabal via steemit cryptography. The British prime minister only recently stated that she was looking to regulate the Internet and clamp down on cryptography. We know where this comes from, Rothschild's conducting there puppet. We must all be vigilant and see this for what It Is, a deliberate attempt to silence our right to free speech and right to privacy. We must now continue to get as much truth out why we still can. Please Resteem.


All presidents are targeted by the deep state. Even Putin knows it.

You didn't read the article, It's about the alternative media, how the Deep State Is trying to regulate the Internet.

Read it now, and yes, agree on all points, had to experience everything personally, starting from the yt channel shutdown (we had more than half a million followers) and capping our reach on fb and censoring our content etc. And yes, steemit looks like the only perfect solution to all of that problems.

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