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RE: Judicial Watch: Fighting for America

in #freedom6 years ago

There are many things in play here.

  1. The entire show is just that a show. There is no truth to anything they tell us on any given day. We have come to the place that everything they say is false and produced for an outcome of their desire. Thesis, Antithesis, Synthesis, is how they operate and that will not change.
  2. The experts are not experts they are just the best spinners of falsehood, or for a lack of better terms they know how to tell a lie and stand behind it.
  3. Trump is an insider swamp creature. You do not ever become a billionaire if you have not sold your soul to the Money trust. Billionaires don't care about people they care about money. I can never understand why people don't connect the dots here? If you care about your fellow man you could never hoard a billion dollars.
  4. Elections are rigged before they even happen. Both candidates in every important election are paid for and picked by the same money powers so no matter who wins their guy wins. If that is not obvious to every one they are not paying attention. Honestly every election we are promised so much and we might get a crumb from a old moldy loaf of bread. I have been around for a long time paying attention for 30 years. It matters not what party wins the elections the results are the same. Less freedom, more MIC, more super powerful lobbies, less voice for everyday Americans. What they allow JW to expose to us is just enough to make us think we are making progress while the unconstitutional ABC agencies continue to destroy lives.
  5. It could be true that after every president gets elected there is a meeting that is held and Lucifer shows up to tell the new President who is really in charge. I dont know but if we had one President in my lifetime with any hair on his ass, his name was John F Kennedy and we all know what happened to him. Every other man or woman that has been elected to a major office in this nation is just a "Devil in a Blue dress" as Bruce Springsteen would say. When we only have devils we get what the devils want.

I completely agree with your comment.


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