My Journey – Freedom, and Truth

in #freedom6 years ago

Freedom, and Truth

I started on this journey years ago, long before I began sharing my ideas with the masses and without any idea of where I was heading, with the sole purpose of becoming the best version of myself and maybe even impacting my local community. As any long-life journey, you might have a brief idea of where you might want to get but you certainly don’t have any idea of how you’re going to get there and my story is no different.


Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

In these last few years, I had one major breakout; I realized that speaking your truth, regardless of how much it may shock the people is always the best choice both for yourself and for them. Becoming a more authentic human being is a goal on its own, and with that idea in mind I always try to speak what I think and think what I speak. In such a crumbling and fake society, being brutally honest is the greatest gift you could give to the people, and that is precisely what I am trying to accomplish through my posts.


Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

I never thought that I would do what I am doing today since, for as far as I can remember I always considered that I suck at writing. I am still far from being a great writer but that’s not my purpose, I am not trying to compete at that level, I am not trying to be fancy in my posts. All I’m trying is to transfer ideas from my brain to yours, and this is just one way of doing that. After all this time and dozens of articles produced, I still don’t consider myself a writer but a guy that shares his ideas through written words.


Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash

Today, years after I started on this journey and more than a year since I started writing, I can finally see pieces of the big picture coming together and how everything that I learned helps me now create what I consider to be high-quality posts that could impact my readers.

I am doing everything with one primary goal in mind, and that is acquiring freedom, freedom from the shackles and social conditioning that keep us back, freedom from the rotten system that want us to become factory slaves and most importantly, freedom from our imaginary boundaries. And, to accomplish all that you need the right information, you need to know the truth.


Photo by Austin Chan on Unsplash

Now, I urge you to get off the couch and take some fucking action towards accomplishing that vision you have buried down in your head and maybe even acquiring total freedom and, that can start with things as simple as reading a blog post, perhaps even a post from me since information is power.

P.S: This was initially published on the about page of my WordPress website, but I thought it would be great to share it here too so more people can read it.

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Posted from my blog with SteemPress :


I started my journey of truth a few years ago also.. Its crazy where that rabbit hole has led me since.. keep on sharing the truth and maybe one day everyone will wake up and see things for what they are..

Feel that mate, you can get really deep into this thing sometimes, and it's impressive where it can take you. The best feeling is looking into retrospective, years after you started, and realizing that you accomplished many of your initial goals.

Hopefully, you're right but, sadly, many people like to run away from the truth since it's, I guess, too painful for them to accept it.

Hi @guyfawkes4-20.. I'm glad I can back on your blog out of curiosity, buried as I am in this public library with air cooling, in this north Italy that looks more like a Sahara desert. Your words are inspiring and I the authenticity that transpires from them is like oxygen. This society is rotten we know that, human nature have always been that of a twisted piece of wood, in the end. What's important is to be authentic and aware imho and most of all.. pass from the theory to the practice. Thank you for this article and keep fighting and writing!

Hehe, that North Italy place sounds like a lot of fun, hot but, damn fun. Thank you, I appreciate your words for sure. Yeah, human nature works in some fucked up ways sometimes but, let everybody worry about meaningless and fake things, while we dominate the shit out life. ;)

Ditto man, pure existentialism. When you want to come into these Alps that look like a Sahara desert let me know ;-P

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