I live for Adrenaline, I live for Tension.

in #freedom7 years ago

I was very high on life while I wrote this so please, get high before you read it.

Maybe most of you hate to be in tensioned situations but I love it. I live for tension and adrenaline. I always find myself in situations that other people consider embarrassing or too hardcore and even if some of them are tough I love them because they expand my comfort zone, they make me feel alive.

You know that type of moments when the hair is rushing up your spine, your heart start racing, pumping like crazy, that moment when your brain stops and you’re there, in the middle of the tension, when the adrenaline is at her high, I live for those kinds of moments.

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Like that moment

When you’re just chilling outside and you’re seeing that type of amazing girl, you know you love, there’s that second between the moment you decide to act and the moment you’re in front of her saying hi, that moment when your brain shuts down and your legs just start to move, when you have no idea what you’re going to say, I love those moments, I live for that kind of seconds.

Or the moment before

You’re going to do something crazy, outside your comfort zone, when your legs start melting down and you almost fall down, that second when you’re living in the moment and you can feel every cell in your body and your blood rushing in your veins, that moment filled with tension and adrenaline, I live for those moments.

Or like when

You know you’re going to put yourself in a new situation, when you have no idea what is going to happen, between the second you want to take a setback, you want to retreat but you keep on pushing and right before you realize everything’s cool, that second filled with uncertainty, I live for that.

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You know what I'm talking about

Those kinds of situations and moments everybody hates, I live for them, because In the middle of a moment like that you die, and right after the adrenaline rush and uncertainty, right after the hard part passed, when everything comes back to normal, you just grew, you’re reborn in a bigger, better person. Your comfort zone just expanded.

If you're afraid of doing something that's the proof that you should do it.

Just fucking do it.


I both love and hate that few seconds when you are deciding to do something scary or down-right stupid. That moment when you switch from "should I?" to "I shouldn't but I will".

Haha, I totally get that. Keep on pushing those boundaries :D

This is freakin epic @guyfawkes4-20.

This type of content. I live for it. :)

Ayyyy. Thank you. I'll write more then. :D

Uh yeahhhhhhhhh :))

Good point. I haven't done nearly enough of this in a long long time and I am feeling very inert. I need to do this every day to shake back out of it and come alive!

Exactly. Do something you're afraid of every day :D

I love it man! You made me drink a cup of tea before reading this article so I can relate to your current state which is "high on life". lol!

You're a risk taker and you're not afraid to push your limits even if the world we live in is full of uncertainty. That's what I like.

Free-spirited people live in the NOW. Not in the past and not in the future; but the PRESENT. Get out there, step outside your comfort zone and just do it! :D

Haha, that's awesome. Thank you.
I'm all wet after your comment :D

lol I know man. Coz you went out to swim. lol!

Haha, exactly what I meant to say :)))

We're so much alike...

Oh man, how have you found this? It is such an old post. Four months ago, lol. :)

I'm a stalker :PPP

Huh, I knew it. :))

Are you reaaaally?? :P

Haha, I had a gut feeling. I knew you are that type. :)))

...and you still have no idea.... (dramatic music playing :P )

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