A Hot Bath of Inspiration!

in #freedom8 years ago

The time when I do nothing is the time I get inspiration to do something. So if you are stuck with no ideas, go and do something completely different and then return to your computer a few hours later with a brain full of new ideas and inspiration to write, draw, publish or sing about - whatever content you produce.

I have just finished the final cuts of the next steemit show-video. It became 11 minutes long and took a lot of effort to make, but I did it and I hope you will enjoy it when it comes out as I am on a very slow Internet here in Peru, so uploading HD to youtube takes me about a day, maybe even two days if the length of the video is too long and while it is uploading, well - you can imagine how limited the rest of the Internet becomes if I did not throttle it.

I wish I could get fiber where I live, but the cable is on the other side of the street and there is a neighbor who just don´t want the cable to cross over to his property, maybe I´ll buy him a box of chocolate this Christmas and talk to him as a gentleman and find out if there is any hope in convincing him to allow the fiber-line to pass.

Because I think when it comes down to it, I could thrive anywhere as long as the Internet Connection is well established in both directions and who knows, maybe one day I will be the lucky one with some serious gigabits to play with, certainly would make me much more productive - but until then, I´ll do as good as I can and not let anything stop me from getting my video-productions up there :)

For every action there is a cookie monster under your bed.


Oh man, you're the second guy I see this week on Steemit in a bathtub under mountains of bubble foam...

Is this like becoming a thing? Who's next?
Hopefully @halo and not another dude :):):)

How is Peru at the Moment?, i live in Venezuela , it sucks!
PS: I am a Internet Provider :)

Then we talk realy back to stone age internett :p
Sounds like a nightmare, tell your neighbor about steemit, and it is important for you to use it. Tell him you could show how it works :)
I realy lock forwoard to the movie :)
Ha en fin dag Fyrstikken :D

Heh, I can only dream about a fiber since I live on a boat! I'm catching a signal from a bar infront of me with a ubqt antenna, and upload is so slow on this island that it also took two-three days for a short HD video.
But I learned to be tranquil😌

Great to following your posts. Have a great time.

you never cease to amaze me. Hilarious

@fyrstikken, I'm excited about video. Enjoy your day.

Yeah, I get into the bath tub all the time for no reason at all. Maybe the neighbor will accept some STEEM as a bribe :)

Bathtub - famous episode from The Good, The Bad and the Ugly (and @fyrstikken )

Bubble boy! You are incredibly crazy and funny!

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