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RE: Questions for Kokesh - Can you really end the fed with an Executive Order?

in #freedom6 years ago

Adam... When you travel through Texas via I-40... through Amarillo, have you ever stopped at that famous Steak House where they will give you the meal for free if you can consume the whole 72 oz. steak? I've been there twice. Even in my "eating heyDay" I could never get past a 20oz T-Bone, but I watched on both occasions how those guys friggin' did it. Once in 1985. Once in 2001. Amazingly, each had the strategy where they cut the steak down to pieces the size of your thumbnails. ...and ate relatively fast (since there is a time limit for the deal... along with a large baked potato and salad requirement -- and I believe disqualification for vomiting).

You, on the other-hand... being the JarHead Supreme, would probably try to stuff the whole dang thing down your throat in one piece without even chewing!!!! Why do I say this? Because that is how your campaign sales pitch is doing it to my ears and eyes... Your presentation is literally expecting the "customer" to eat not just 4 1/2 lbs., but the whole friggin' 2,000 lb steer in one sitting!!! And I have heard the stuff since 1975, whereas I am 98% in agreement with the AnarchoVol "solution" (gotta see your noGov Justice System work in a county first). What must the average working GOP or Dem member feel if they decided to read it? Please!!!

I mean, I can't even get someone to LISTEN to your book... and we are talking about men and women in Steemit who ALREADY AGREE with your AnarchoVol prescription!!! Even they don't want to spread it to 3 friends in their social circles to light a fire; they are acting like deer in the headlights! WTF? I haven't even ventured out into statist America yet!!!

So here's the prescription for this problem... You keep describing this effort as a "referendum" of the American people... which would shut the pie holes of any jerkOff in a suit in WDC. Well then, WHY THE PHUQUE DON'T WE ACTUALLY PUT FORTH A REAL REFERENDUM in the form of:

"US Constitution Amendment #28... The Final One".

It is hereby directed by We The People of these United States of America that we terminate the US Constitution and revert back to the Articles of Confederation for a period of 4 years. At that point, We the People, via this same Amendment Process, shall determine whether or not we want to Dissolve that Articles of Confederation Agreement, as well.... leaving the 50 several states unhinged, as individual Sovereign Nations to do what they please within their borders.<<<

Now we have a thumbnail size piece of steak the American adult can chew on... swallow and digest with a very little bit of pain. Meanwhile, we start the Petition process NOW... as a deFacto effort of your Campaign, along with the LP, at large.... revitalizing the county affiliates, too. You will become as well known as Jarvis and Gann of 1978 Prop. 13 in CA.... (ask any LP-CA member of that era what that thing did for LP membership and status!!!)

No big sales pitch. No big explanation of AnarchoVol noGov... nor even Libertarian Minarchy. Simply "Unite America by Split 50!" That great Irony in our nation....

Now... in the meanwhile, your campaign simply consists of: Once I have this Final Amendment properly passed, in my hands... and walk it into WDC, beginning my "Liquidation Sale", I will simultaneously be turning my efforts towards becoming the nonGovernor/nonPresident of my homeland: Arizona Republic in 2022... and comprehensively working to implement the ideals in my "Freedom!" book. While we gather the required signatures to put this #28 on the ballot in all 50 states, I will be working simultaneously along with the LP to find 49 young men who will clone my effort in their respective new Nation... breaking down these 50 new nations into 3,142 county subdivisions... some of which I suspect will be modeled after the ideal in the book. I don't expect all the new nations to reject the elephants and jackasses from their halls of government... one bite of steak at a time, folks........

Keep It Simple, Silly... Keep It Cheap, Kid. KISS & KICK.left - right brainwashed idiots.JPG

Again, the irony of: Divide ("Split 50!") and Unite..... LOL

[email protected] Anytime. Anyone.


My dad won, didn't pay for his steak!

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