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RE: Freedom Sucks, but it Still Matters: What Annoys Me About Libertarians, but I Still Remain One

in #freedom6 years ago

I read the whole post and I must say, I completely agree with what you are saying. It's so hard for people to understand that society depends on each and every one of us to function. Yeah, youtube and facebook are private companies, but perhaps if one personally disagrees with the way they handle things they should move to a different site, or at least be able to openly criticize them.

Religiosity is a human characteristic that has basically nothing to do with the ideology one chooses to follow. I have personally seen this behavior in anyone who follows a religion or ideology. This is because our brain is built in such a way that it can make fast assumptions about the world around it and take fast survival decisions. It does not like complicated things. Those who manage to escape "the norm", any norm, and take a step in investigating claims and start thinking for themselves and shed their old beliefs, get tired again.

For example, people who were courageous enough to escape religion and turn into atheists, ended up making atheism and scientism their own religion. People who "rebelled" and "escaped" from a society that discriminated and censored minorities, ended up enforcing political correctness censorship. People who "rebelled" against the SJW trend because it lacked critical thinking, ended up giving up their own critical thinking skills in order to blindly support libertarianism. People who became environmentally aware began to support anyone and anything who claims to be environmentally friendly, without reading actual research or taking political games into account. The list can go on and on...

Furthermore, I read in the past about some experiments that demonstrated that it is very hard for people to change their mind once they have made a decision. The first arguments will easily convince an inexperienced person, but once fully formed, opinions are very hard to change using logical facts. This is biology tricking us for one more time.

People don't usually remember why they got convinced in the first place. Someone, somewhere, said something very smart. And he is a smart person, and they were impressed by the smartness of it. Training our mind to think critically and question everything is seriously hard work.


By the way, I first saw your "Open Letter to the Steemit Community" post and this is how I came here, but for some reason I cannot open that post. I asked some people on chat and they couldn't open it either. You might want to re-post it.

You's a smart girl! And yeah, I'm aware that the post is broken. I think it's because the main tag is "tags" which apparently breaks the UI.

It's just my theory, though.

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