Universal Basic Income Foreshadows The Upcoming Hunger-Game Society

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

 The time has come in the history of man's journey from his material jungle to his spiritual mountain top when it is imperative that he must live more and more in the cosmic Light universe of  knowing, and less in the electric wave universe of sensing -- Walter Russell 

As a matter of fact, in our world today, even individual charity is under threat. Helping others in the need directly doesn't have any lasting effect because money also operates as a time device. A vast majority of people must follow the money even faster than a generation ago because their purchasing power is losing steam. Unless money is used as a Trojan Horse to shift the paradigm while allowing to keep the focus on the whole picture, the  problem at the core won't go away while still growing exponentially, all of which locks conflicts even deeper.

 What  is deemed ‘incompetence’ causes bankruptcies but that is also how  Nature’s zero-sum game translates. People must band together to secure  their positions, so having a top 1% is unavoidable. You  may think whatever you want and even stand on your head while screaming  with all the force of your lungs, the Universe does not give a damn  about wealth. Wealth, aka power, Is a fabrication of the human mind that  springs from the Law of Polarity pretty well observable in the ‘divided  and conquered’ world we live in.  

Hunger Game Society In The Making

Regardless  of the unprecedented generational lack of personal responsibility that  led to such dreadful and current world distortions, there is no time  left for blame games. Let alone debating the political and psychological  mechanisms of self-inflicted harm when giving one’s consent away. We’d  discuss the ‘hows’ and ‘whys’ of our current situation, or speculate on  what may or may not happen, endlessly. At the end of the day, it would  still not matter. The state of affair would still need to be addressed  from a self-responsibility perspective. 

Distractions  often make one lose sight of time and also waste one’s time while  making people believe they are in control of the timing of their own  lives. For example, after WW2, we were led to believe that social  security would be there in time to take over. Today driving cars gives  the impression that rushing allows us to do a lot more. But what for in  the end?  

 A basic universal income  may seem enticing today because the system still offers a few  opportunities, but once implemented many will realize the nightmare  they’ve signed up for. At some point there will be rationing to avoid  hyperinflation. We also can assume that if central banks have long track  records of mismanaging economies, chances are that economic  contractions will also occur under the ‘basic universal income’  scenario. People could also be drastically rationed in time of wars,  which today politicians more or less promise to be perpetual. The  mainstream consensus equates ‘money-free’ to communism. As a matter of  fact, cashless society will represent the merging of communism and  fascism. Total servitude. Because people will depend on their elites’  authorization to do anything. The first wave of basic universal income  will be cheered and hailed by the media. But as other waves follow, it  will begin to represent barely enough to go by daily, eat and pay the  rent, and be determined by the case. And most likely not be cumulative.  Dreadful scenarios abound once freedom is forever gone. 

Bridging Materialism And Metaphysics

 It  is a mind over matter issue: the mind (knowledge) is stronger that  matter (money). Which is why, by the way, the Principle of Mentalism is  regarded as the starting point of every action. Without the Mind there  is no Creativity. And for Creativity to serve mankind first, society  will have to recognize that chasing money like cavemen – as we now  witness it – is leading us to our downfall. Time has come to redirect  this Creativity, which freedom desperately needs for Humanity to aim at  its cosmic immutable programing... co-Creation with the Universe

Elon Musk's Universal Basic Income Trap Is Looming. Anarcho-Capitalism In Favor Of Basic Income!

 Thank you for resteening and upvoting these ideas, more people  have to know that there is a bold solution to embrace the end of  darwinism/competition that will be upon us in 10 years from now. 


I'm having trouble following your logic. Your previous post said not having money was good, now you say it represents total servitude?

I am referring to universal basic income here... in 10 years or so that's the choice we'll have left: money-free or cashless universal income servitude

So we get an extra 3 years now? You said we had 7 years left in your previous post. Cool.

I forsee our current economic trends will continue, more jobs will be created. We have more jobs today than 10 years ago, which had more jobs then 10 years before that, and ten years before that and ten years before that. I looked back to 1950, and jobs are on a steadily increasing trend. What makes you think that jobs will decline, let alone disappear?

7 to 10 years is generally what I am reading on the internet... until the birth of 5G (strong AI) . Our global economy is built on a debt empire and that cannot end well, no if but when. And people will call for the basic income. Even surgeons will be replaced with robots... and sooner than we think, driveless cars/trucks will enter the market... the whole transportation industry. I think you are not well following the issues

ps: make enough money and quickly so you can afford a self-sustainable off the grid home!

Robots: The Global Plan for 90% Unemployment!

Oh, skynet taking over...I see...

backs away slowly

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