Materialism At Odds With Freedom And Decentralization #2

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

 All of man's wars are based upon TAKING. There could be no war  based upon GIVING. We do not realize that they are breaking  the Universal Law which will eventually break them to an equal  extent  -- Walter Russell 

It occurred to me that the monetization of *virtual* reality is taking the illusion up to another level . How far does society have to  go before grasping that the monetization of knowledge does not work? 

You are definitely ready for a money-free and futuristic society and 'mindset transitioning" if you agree with the following:

Realistic because technology and robotics are taking over jobs, eliminating paid labor

Realistic because conflicts for natural resources and arm races go hand by hand

Realistic because competition demands to trash the planet for the sake of profits

Realistic because the world debt has reached an unbearable threshold, we're bankrupt

Realistic because technology and robotics will make human competition obsolete

Realistic because corporations profit more from all kinds of conflicts

Realistic because corporations do not have the money to clean-up Nature

Realistic because the world debt has enslaved several future generations

Realistic because competition encourages the dumbing down of the masses

Realistic because problems are more profitable, and corruption spins out of control

Realistic because consumerism and planned obsolescence are bedfellows

Realistic because profits demands to neglect the human costs

Realistic because following the money twists and dictates most social behaviors

Realistic because following the money prevents from going after the too big too fail

Realistic because profits seeking restricts individual options, encourages monopoly formation

Realistic because humans' body parts are now more lucrative than illegal drugs

Realistic because debt related inflation continually erodes the purchasing power

Realistic because global corporate debt is skyrocketing and now a threat

Realistic because the rates of human trafficking are pedophilia are beyond belief, and getting worse

If  you agree with all this... you are ready for ' mind transitioning" and  to become an 'earth custodian' and should visit my website

The Earth Custodians Movement isn't a crusade (group think) but an endeavor destined to move ahead with a deep awareness already woven into the fabric of society, and generated by people who already have connected many dots. 

PREVIOUS BLOG IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Decentralization At Odds With A Deadly Paradigm. We Cannot Have It Both Ways!


Money free? How is that supposed to work? Any kind of society cannot function without money.

working out of passion does work, it was just never tried, but if you read this post slowly, you will see that it is all what is left since the whole planet is beyond bankrupt and automation and megacoumpter are going to steal most jobs.... universal basic income will be very basic, enough not to starve and completely government assisted

You can work out of passion, then get paid in money. I don't see the problem, especially now with the internet you can get paid in deflationary money like bitcoin, or non-inflationary money like gold. You can't fix world finances or government deficit spending, but you CAN fix your own finances. This world is a world of scarcity, you must work to get ahead.

bitcoin is great for now but I don't see any use of it after 2025... as there will be no jobs left. But yes, if you think your can work 24/7 for a small salary (2 -5 dollars per hour), and behave like a robot, then bitcoin is here to stay :) There could be room for a small underground economy for off the grid people but we arent told everything about A.I and based on what I know is that it will be the new tyranny.

So, no jobs left in 8 years...that seems legit.

My point about bitcoin and gold is that it cannot be hyperinflated into worthlessness. It will hold the value of your labor over time.

I have written extensively about economics for over the last 10 years or so, I used to be a gold/silver advocate, but 2 or 3 years ago I made a u-turn. I m not trying to convince anymore. My Thoughts are on here to help people who ask themselves the same questions as I did. What will happen when jobs are gone for good.... forever?

Why do you think that jobs will disappear? This is nonsense.

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