The culture war has been won, and here's whysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #freedom7 years ago (edited)

In light of Berkeley battle #2 I found myself pretty concerned with the further erosion of political discourse. I do not advocate for violent opposition to different ideas, and that conviction is one of the reasons I cannot support Antifa. Out of all people to get socked in the face, Moldylocks is the last person I really feel sympathy for (behind Richard Spencer of course). But I worry that its only a matter of time for a smart person going to talk at a campus, Antifa gets triggered and during an ensuing riot someone winds up shot or bludgeoned to death. Once that line is crossed, there really is no going back. While we are one a scary precipice, I think this needs to happen now. We are in the 11th hour of social marxism in the Unites States with places like Canada with m-103 and C-16 having already crossed a point of government censorship. I was having a discussion with my roommate about this particular issue and he took a far more detached, top down view that changed my outlook for the better. My in roommate's view, the war has already won and it is simply a waiting game where all we as individual freedom advocates need to do is maintain the high road and let those violent elements attack first and expose Antifa and the like the bad guys that they have been for quite some time. His timeline for culture wars explains that statement. You need 2 actors: the mainstream and the counterculture.

  • First the mainstream starts getting some backlash from counterculture
  • mainstream feels threatened and doubles down
  • the doubling down actually does more harm than good as it wakes up complacent members of the mainstream movement to the lunacy of the actual standpoint
  • once the double down takes place it becomes the waiting stage while the broken mainstream eventually deflates, leaving only the most fervent open to ridicule.

With mainstream social justice media publishing stupid articles such as:

and the recent Huffington Post article titled 'Could It Be Time To Deny White Men The Franchise' which called for a 20 year moratorium on votes for white men (which incidentally has been taken down once Huffpo discovered that the person who claims to have penned it does not actually exist and they were sold an elaborate troll. Archived page here). It seems pretty clear that the double down is quite strong. Labeling everything as insensitive/racist/bigoted and having the proposed solutions be the generally bigoted statement strikes me as one of the worst methods to gaining support amongst those who do not already support it. This sort of hard-lining is what caused the genuine racists of the 50's and 60's as well as the religious right in the arena of video games and social acceptance to fail. In kind it is waking those in these social spheres up to the failure of their views. Bright minds such as Jordan Peterson, Roaming Millenial, and Dave Rubin are also doing their part to genuinely aid people in breaking free of the mental stranglehold. Now all that is needed is to relax and have fun while watching the mainstream social justice movement writhe and perish. Thinking about it that way has absolutely changed my outlook and I encourage others to do so as well. Regardless, I would love to hear what you guys have to think about this. After all, society is not a spectator sport :p

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