Asking Permission To Drink Raw Milk

in #freedom6 years ago

The issue of raw milk is heating up again as various reports suggest that lawmakers are looking to crackdown on the booming popularity of raw milk products that continues in the US and elsewhere. They are worried about the risks posed by raw milk, officials from numerous states have issued repeated warnings about the dangers of drinking unpasteurized milk and the CDC suggests that disease outbreaks are on the rise as a result of the growing prevalence.

Lawmakers from numerous states want to make it illegal for you to drink raw milk; even if you want to drink milk that's coming from your own cow.

Many people are still willing to consume raw milk dairy products despite the known health risks that the media constantly perpetuates. But even if people are willing to take the risk the state isn't ready to let them and various bills have been introduced in recent years to try and address this "issue".

Advocates for raw milk freedom insist that it's time for the government to get out of making decisions over what we eat and drink and returning that liberty to the individual; let people decide for themselves what they are willing to eat and drink. But those in favor of a raw milk crackdown insist that defenders of raw milk are focusing on liberty more than they are health.

But while some might be looking to crackdown on raw milk sales, others are considering an expansion of freedom in permitting the distribution of raw milk products.

Many of those who consume raw milk on a regular basis are passionate about the benefits that they believe they are reaping from the drink.

Still, you'll find numerous healthcare professionals who insist that even extremely healthy individuals can suddenly become very sick or possibly die from consuming contaminated raw milk.

Currently, you can find raw milk being sold in numerous states such as California, Arizona, New Mexico, and New Hampshire.

With any product that is consumed by an individual, there is a responsibility to be sure that it's a safe product, but that responsibility should rest with the individual and not with the state.


Related Posts:

Raw Milk Sales Are Up Despite Fears Over Health Risks

Purchasing Raw Milk Products From A Vending Machine

Raw Milk Legalization Pending In Montana


Goodness. Stop telling people how to live! Let them drink whatever milk they want. Government control has gone too far. What an absurd debate. What is the definition of freedom after all?

Posted using Partiko Android

but what if that freedom trade-off is for safety 😂

and what if it is for money and safety plays no part?

Yet alcohol, cigarettes, and sugar are legal.

shhh don't mention those 😂

Raw milk butter is the best I’ve ever tasted. Pasteurization makes the milk safe to drink at the expense of pretty much all the flavor. It’s practically garbage.

Posted using Partiko iOS

wouldn't mind trying some of that.. rm butter!

It tastes like parmesan cheese, so yeah... it's delicious.

Raw milk is a health food - pasteurized milk is a toxin.

This is a joke.

How many European cheeses — award winning, considered the best in the world — are made from raw milk.

My partner and I used to drink raw milk we got from a friend who was an organic dairy farmer. She even drank it while she was pregnant. My daughter is healthier than nearly everyone else in her year level.

I will say this however: I would never drink raw milk from a conventional dairy cow.

Anyone that consumes milk from a conventional (meaning non-organic or biodynamic) dairy is putting all sorts of toxic crap into their system.

Absolutely you need to pasteurise milk from a conventional dairy, because those animals are so sick, unhealthy, and toxic.

Honestly: Organic raw milk is fine. I’d love to see some research examining the differences.

Posted using Partiko iOS

safety is NO JOKE! 😄

Well, the entire problem is putting a bazillion cows in a little area, to produce as much milk as possible with as little overhead.

Thus, cows in a bad environment are stressed, further, they are often standing in filth, and so are weakened to disease and more prone to disease. (double whammy)

And, the "govern-cement regulators" allow this horror to exist.

Basically, if the cow is sick, do not drink the milk.
That's all you need to know.

But, when you have hundreds of cows, you can't know which one is sick, or even if one is sick.

And i have personally seen the benefits of raw milk.

I can say the opposite too, back when everyone drank raw milk, no one was lactose intolerant.

The problem is their failure to recognize the right of the individual to decide for themselves 👍👍

They are trying to attack raw milk from every direction. Forcing vaccines contaminating the raw milk. Farmers need your support because they are going after our whole food system

People in 19 states exposed to Brucella bacteria from drinking raw milk
In a nationwide food safety alert, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention warned that anyone who has consumed raw dairy products from the farm in the past three years should check in with their doctors. The outbreak strain of Brucella — RB51 — is resistant to rifampin, one of the antibiotics that is typically be used to prevent or treat brucellosis.

Here's the TRUTH:

The RB51 strain of Brucella is an antibiotic resistant, modified live strain of Brucella that veterinarians give to cows as a vaccination.

Yes... RB51 is a direct transfer of unintended consequences of a brucellosis vaccination. It does not exist in nature. RB51 is a mutant, rifampicin-resistant bovine Brucella vaccine strain developed in a laboratory specifically for vaccination.

What about including healthy bacteria cultures to counter and battle any possible toxic bacteria cultures. There’s also the possibility of slow pasteurization at lower temperatures that will destroy toxic bacteria while maintaining the integrity of the milk protein and nutrients. So many companies are only concerned with profit above anything else and we are forced to consume compromised versions of nature.

This is terrible, considering that milk is consumed most by toddlers and children.

what is terrible?...

is raw diet popular in your place?
and what about the idea of harm of all milk products? isn't it popular there?

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